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Reviewed by: -forever-summer-
Book Title: October Leaves
Author's Name: binge-writing

Cover: 8/10

The Cover of your book is simple and neat. The font of the title suits the background image used. The font used for subtitle and your username perfectly goes along with the font of the title. You could've avoided the '@' before your username. Other than that it seems perfect to me.

Title: 10/10

I loved the title. It was unique and beautifully symbolizes that it is a poetry book.

Blurb/Description: 10/10

I have never seen a perfect blurb for a poetry book. Every poet I have seen tries to perfect them but there seemed to be something missing all the time. Yours was perfect. It got me excited and my expectations of your poems skyrocketed.

Creativity and originality: 10/10

Firstly, I loved the way you separated the poems into sections, named each section, and wrote an introductory poem for each section. Every poem in your book was different from the other. Be it the way you connected the things or the way you portrayed things. It was awesome.

Plot and Flow: 18/20

As I said earlier, every poem in your book was unique and neatly written. The concept of each poem was different. I loved how your poem easily flowed. Poets guide us through the poem. Make sure you add commas at places where the readers should pause and give us enough space between stanzas so it would give us time to absorb the previous one. Other than that your poems are great.

Character Development: 9/10

Each poem depicts a character and its feelings. I loved how deeply you explained everything about the character. It made us feel so deep for the ones that might be in the same situation as the characters depicted. Every word in a poem or a novel matters, I love how with each word you pull us closer to the characters. One of the deepest and most meaningful poems I've read in a while.

Writing style, Grammar, spellings, etc.: 10/10

Your writing style is really deep and beautiful. The emotions and everything were beautifully portrayed in your poems. I loved your way with words, how easily they just flowed, and managed to fall in love with it.

Genre relevance: 10/10

This was one of the best poetry books I've read in a while.

Reader enjoyment and Communication with the readers: 9/10

I loved loved loved your poems. It easily captured the hearts of the readers. That's how good and impressive your writing is. Keep writing amazing poems! All the best!

Overall: 94/100

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