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Author: xzra8765
Book title: Gothan Hills 
Reviewer: RovenaNatasha


Book title:

Gothan hills? Is that it? Okay, lets assume that this particular place is where something significant happens and this is why you chose it as your title. Then why doesn't the reader get this name in the blurb? Why isn't he/she aware of what it is? If it is so important it should be included in your blurb.

Okay, let's forget the blurb what about your prologue? It should be there isn't it? Or at least a hint to the place. Be very cautious of your title. Everything depends on it. Your title should be the most significant in your general story

But I really should say the title was intriguing. It was a good choice but you don't give it sufficient attention. You need to give it enough ATTENTION. I cannot highlight this comment enough. But good job on your preference.

Book cover:

Something I've realized over the years is that writers on Wattpad tend to make their book covers so dark, making it a clear sign that it will turn out to be an abuse fest from the beginning. It really isn't necessary you can make a light cover and hint at the dark with your lighting. Don't overdo it. I have seen far too many covers that makes no sense.

Remember, your cover is what drags your reader to your book, so try to make it a tad bit appealing for them to continue. Also, something you should know is that every element in your cover counts.

Particularly, the boy in the cover clearly has a crown on his head but it doesn't give any indication that the boy is a king or a prince so be careful of what you include in your cover. Another thing would be the two fairies that looks so much like Tinkerbell are a bit distracting and it takes away the essence or rather the meaning of your book in general.

Try to make your cover subtle. Clearly there seems to be a fantasy element with fairies and what not so you need to know how to blend the realism and fantasy well. I would suggest that you get one of our own community's graphic designer so you could get an attractive cover.


Now your blurb is really vague. For a minute it made no sense at all and I realized you've just described the character, not really given us readers and insight to your book.

A blurb is a summary of your entire book without revealing the plot and you haven't done this. I need to know where this boy comes from? What he does? Above all what about his name? I was clearly confused.

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