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Reviewed by: mikrokosmostae

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Reviewed by: mikrokosmostae

Book Title: Day One Love

Author's Name: KarenBrown389

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(This is an opinion of an individual, which may not coincide with the masses. The individual's taste, thinking, and way of perception will definitely be different).

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Cover: 6/10

The cover seems pretty bland in comparison to your explosive plotline. I like the caricature of the woman, signaling a gun, it is a good one, though I feel there could be more in that cover.

Title: 9/10

At first, of course, the title didn't seem to make any sense to me. But I am glad that you did slip in its significance in the very first chapter. Titles that have special meaning to the characters, special meaning to the author, always making the story much more personal.

Blurb/Description: 5/10

Very vague. Doesn't pull in your readers at all. Your blurbs are the first step by which anyone will judge your writing, so I hope you elongate it soon to suit your story.

Creativity and originality: 9/10

Easy and smooth, there is subtle drama, subtle violence, and the situations you push the characters in are creative. Some parts are a bit exaggerated, but you do a good job in tuning it with subtle connotations.

Plot and Flow: 18/20

With how explosive, and full of twist and turns this story is, everything happens at a pretty fast pace, at least for me. Though the characters took their sweet little time, I'd like to see a little more substance to make your plot a little balanced.

There are scenes which I absolutely adored – scenes with Sam (all of them, yes, I love that guy), the scene where Nik almost dies sees her Gran, but she comes back was very spiritual in my opinion, the conflict Nikole had in choosing and fighting between her personas of Lil bit and Nikki, and many more, gave a certain amount of depth in your story. Also, parts where Sam would preach about how a man should be, very good! I love it when authors use their platforms for spreading awareness and talking about stuff like this.

What was a bit off-putting to me was that sometimes, Sam did seem a little controlling? There were a lot of mature scenes, almost in every chapter, but I didn't see a trigger warning. As an author, it is your duty to put up a warning anytime before you go on to describe a full-length sex scene because Wattpad's platform is prone to kids reading stuff they shouldn't. A small warning like 'Mature scenes ahead – Read at your own risk'. You have done your duty, the rest depends on the reader. Another thing that was a little wrong in my opinion was that Sam never consented with Nik before he took off his protection (and as a woman, that violates my freedom of choice).

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