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Reviewed by: _summering_Book Title: Heart of FireAuthor's name: terraxxa

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Reviewed by: _summering_
Book Title: Heart of Fire
Author's name: terraxxa

Cover: 10/10

The book cover? Perfect! Now, before anything else, I'm not an expert when it comes to underlying elements of graphic designs. So, I will just stick to how it impresses me as a simple reader who happens to be captivated by your cover. I'm not certain if it is intended or is it how you want to make the cover seem to look. I don't know if it's you who tricked me or my eyes tricked me... in a good way, so don't worry. What I see in your cover is like an ambiguous image or reversible figure for I have found two distinct images or forms as a subject. At first glance, it's like I was seeing two shadow figures at both sides who appear to be holding each other's hands. One silhouette, particularly the one on the left side, is the one holding the matchstick (or at least that's what appears to me). It was only after staring at it for too long did I realize that it was in fact a girl who's holding a matchstick in her right hand.

With all of these crazy observations aside, your book cover perfectly fits the theme and main topic of your story with just the right darkness applied to it. The chosen colors do not clash adding the right and simple effect to it. The title as well as the author's name and subtitle are just the right size of the font.

Title: 8/10

I love the title! It fits the story perfectly and the keyword for that is "fire" as our protagonist is so much involved with lighting fire on a matchstick. And what about "heart"? What relevance does it have to the entire story? As the story isn't yet complete, I still have to make out what it truly means as the chapters go on. But, I'm going to try to make my own analysis. Fire symbolizes many things and if we are going to relate it to the story in a positive way, it can mean hope and desire given the characters' circumstances. The heart gives life as it beats. Putting it all together, it can mean not letting your hope and desire burn out or lose its beat because the world around you changes it. But like what I have mentioned, I still have to see more of the story to know what it truly means.

Blurb/Description: 10/10

How can something short be complete? For me, your blurb is amazing and I cannot ask for more. You have managed to capture my interest in those two sentences, leaving room for questions and curiosity.

In the future, the actions of the human race have devastated the planet.

Indeed, human activities are responsible for the damage—either directly or indirectly—to the environment. By destroying nature, we destroy ourselves. I feel like this story isn't just like any kind of story, but an eye-opener to all of us.

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