The scene

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Ross pov

I decided to take a walk this morning, and on the streets of New York it is not uncommon to see a crime scene in the middle of the street. There is a dead body on the ground and what looks like an M. E., a female detective and two male detectives. Then a man walks under the police tape holding two coffees. I recognize him as Richard Castle, the multimillionaire famous for his erotic murder mystery novels.

I walk over to the police tape and hear the female detective asking the M. E. what happened. It's pretty obvious though, so without realizing, I answer the question.

"He was shot from behind by the looks of it. He fell backwards and that is why there is a considerable pool of blood around him. Looks like the work of a handgun, the killer was not a professional, and the poor dude suffered..." I trail off realizing they are all staring at me.

"Who are you?" Asks the Irish-looking detective.

"Oh sorry. I'm Samantha Ross, but everyone calls me Ross." I reply.

"Ok," he nods. "Did you see anything suspicious?

"No. I was just walking by and decided to take a look, I'm interested in crime scenes."

"How do you know how he died?" The M. E. asks.

"I've studied murders before, I know how a crime scene looks and I can usually tell what happened."

They all look at each other, and the female detective nods.

"Why don't you come down to the precinct with us? I want to ask you a few more questions."

"Ok," I agree. They are police officers, it's not like they are going to kidnap me.

I struggle to keep up with the female detective, and I realize I don't even know her name.

"Sorry... I don't know your name."

"Oh. I'm Kate Beckett, but everyone calls me Beckett. That Irish man is Kevin Ryan, the Mexican man is Javier Esposito, the Medical Examiner is Lanie, and that man is Richard Castle," she says pointing each one out."

"Ok so Beckett, Ryan, Esposito, Lanie, and Castle?"

"Sounds like you got it."

"Cool," I smile as I get in the front seat of Beckett's police car.

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