The Fourth

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I wake up late, well for me anyways.

The clock reads eight.

I have nothing to do until Oliver comes so I wander into to the kitchen.

I sit at the table and tap my fingers impatiently.

Ryan and Jenny are already in here eating breakfast.

"I'm surprised you slept so late."
Says Ryan.

"Shopping takes a toll on you."

"Makes sense."

"Yeah. So what do you usually do on the fourth?"

"Usually, we all have a barbecue together and then watch fireworks. Simple, but fun. We are going over to Castle's at noon."

"Oh. What time are we getting back here?"

"Probably around three. Then we leave at eight to get a spot to watch fireworks."

Well crap.

"I see. Is there any way I can get out of going to see the fireworks?"


I hesitate. "I may kinda sorta have a date tonight." I say almost as a question."

They both stare at me for a second before Ryan stands up.

I expect him to start yelling at me for having a date, but instead he picks me up and spins me around.

"That's great Samantha!"

He hugs me before setting me down again.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? You are finally doing something for yourself!"

"I know. Shocking." I say sarcastically.

"Don't sass me. Anyways, there are rules ok? And I know you don't like to follow rules but here goes. No breaking the law. No doing anything dangerous. If something happens, you call me. And this last one is the most important. Absolutely no nighttime activities if you know what I mean."

"This just got awkward. And I'm not ready for that anyways. Not happening."

He sighs a happy sigh and Jenny stands next to him, locking arms.

"My little girl." Jenny has tears in her eyes.

"Jenny, don't make me cry."

She pulls me into her arms.

We get to Castle's house and when Martha opens the door I can already smell the burgers and hot dogs on his indoor grill.

Everyone greets us, but Alexis nonchalantly makes her way towards me.

"Are you ready?" She murmurs in my ear.

"Yeah when I get home I just have to change."

"Ok if you need anything just call. And you have to tell me how it goes."

"I will."

"Ok." She smiles and starts to walk away.



"Thank you. For everything. I don't know what I would have done without you. You helped me in so many ways."

"Twas me pleasure," she says with an Irish accent, and I laugh.

We all sit down to eat when the food is ready. Alexis is on my left and Lanie is on my right.

I manage to consume a hot dog and some potato salad before becoming full. No one mentions anything about what I eat, but I see them all eyeing me to make sure I'm not starving myself.

The boys get into a conversation about the upcoming football season while the girls start talking about Beckett's hair.

No offense to Beckett but I'd much rather listen to a conversation about sports.

I don't say anything, I just observe.

After about an hour the speaking slowly comes to a stop.

I think we just enjoy each other's company. I feel so happy just being here with the people I love. I sit here watching everyone smile and laugh, and it puts me on cloud 9. This is the best thing I've ever witnessed.

I am able to be myself and not have to worry about them judging me.

"Samantha?" Beckett gets my attention and I snap out of my daydream.

"Yeah?" I supress a grin.

"You ok?" She looks amused.

I beam. "100%."

We say our goodbyes and all the way back to the house I can feel myself getting nervous.

The buildings go by quickly until they become all too familiar, and the blurs become clearer.

I glide into my room a bundle of nerves and excitement.

I look through everything I got at the mall with Alexis.

I have decided I'm not wearing a dress or skirt, so I think I'll wear shorts and a long sleeved shirt.

I pick a cute purple v-neck shirt and dark denim shorts.

I hope I look ok.

I turn on my phone to look at the time, and my eyes pop.


I quickly fix my hair into a bobbing ponytail, and then the door bell rings.

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