I'll Drive

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Ross pov
"To Ross!" Everyone says. Beckett looks at me. I smile, and for a second, I lose my pain. For a second, I am happy. For a second, I feel loved. Everyone resumes their conversations, and before I know it, it is 9:30. Everyone starts leaving, and soon it is only me, Beckett, and the Castles. Beckett stands up to leave, and I do the same.
"Bye Castle. Bye Alexis. Bye Martha. Bye Ross. Thanks for everything." She walks out the door, and now it's my turn.
"Bye everyone. Thanks for everything." I start to walk out the door when Castle asks, "is your ride here?" I stop dead in my tracks still facing the door. I turn around to face him.
"Um... No my parents are working late so I'm just going to walk. It's not all that far." I fake smile.
"If you think you are walking home in the dark you're wrong. Ill drive you."
"It's ok, thank you though."
"Samantha, it's not safe for a fourteen year old girl to be walking the streets of New York at night. I won't take no for an answer."
I look at him and I know I'm not going to win.
"Ok." I say.
We got in his Ferrari (wow) and I gave him my address. He starts driving and I remember that I switched shoes before I went inside. Crap. I can't tell him about it because then he will ask questions. I guess I will get them tomorrow. The walk from the precinct to his apartment isn't all that far, maybe a mile.
"Wow your house is pretty far from my loft. It's like two miles. Did you walk all that way?"
I nod. He pulls up to the building/house.
"Thanks for the ride."
"Of course. Do you want me to walk you inside?"
"No it's ok. Ill see you tomorrow."
"Ok. Bye Ross."
"Bye Castle." I walk up to the door and take out my key. I turn to see Castle is still watching me, making sure I get in ok. I wave to him, and he waves back, and I walk inside.
I walk to my room and take off my too-small shoes, and find bleeding blisters. I sigh. Oh well. I get in bed and fall asleep thinking about how amazing today was.

I wake up the next morning, change, and walk to the precinct. When I get inside, I get greeted by the precinct family. "Hey Ross. There's been a murder. Want to come check it out?"
"Of course! Who wouldn't want to go see a dead body? It makes my day."
Everyone laughs.
"Ok let's go. Ill drive and Ross can go with me," says Beckett.
We get in her car and start driving to the scene.
A few minutes later, Beckett starts talking. "Can I trust you?"
"Yes, of course." I reply.
"Do you know about my mother?"
I shake my head, waiting for a response.
"We when I was nineteen she was murdered. They never figured out who did it. I was working at the time to try to be the first female Supreme Court Justice. When she was murdered, I changed. I put up a wall. I dove into her murder. I would stay up all night for weeks trying to figure it out. It consumed me. And then when I didn't solve it, I closed it. I never wanted to go near it again. But when Castle came, he convinced me to reopen the case. I have a few leads now, which I better than I ever did."
"Wow. I'm sorry. I never knew."
She nods. "That's where I got my love for the macabre. What about you? Where did you get yours?" She questions.
Before I have time to answer, we pull up to the crime scene.

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