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I place the cool ice pack gently on my skin, trying not to wince as it comes in contact with the throbbing lump on my head.

"That was a long walk." Castle says.

I nod.

"Where did you go? Morgue?"

My eyes narrow. "How did you know that?"

"I know you Samantha."

"Fair. I just needed a break."

"I get it. You don't need to explain."

He kisses me on the forehead.

I sit here for a few more minutes until I feel like I didn't just hit a wall.

I'm hilarious.

I throw away the ice pack and walk into the break room, where fortunately is only Ryan making a cup of coffee.

"Hey I heard what happened."

"Yeah. Sooo... tonight I think I'm going to stay with Espo. Is that ok?"

"Totally. I'm gonna go. We got Brandon in holding Samantha. We have a chance now."

I smile half-heartedly.

"Thank you."

He hugs me and walks out, only for Espo to walk in.

He glances at Ryan, and then me.

"Aren't you staying with him?"

"Umm no. Tonight I'm actually going to stay with Castle."


I start to walk out when Espo calls from behind me.


I turn around.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just hate hearing what he has done to you."

"Espo, you don't have to apologize. I would have done the same thing."

He hugs me.

"I'm going to call it a night."

I sit on the couch, and in comes Castle.

"Hey didn't Ryan leave already?"

"Yeah I'm staying with Beckett tonight."

"Ok. Until tomorrow."

"Until tomorrow Castle."

And lastly, Beckett approaches, grabbing her blazer.

She opens her mouth.

"Before you ask, I'm staying with Lanie tonight. She just had to go back to the morgue to grab something."

"How did you know I was going to ask that?"

"Everyone has asked me."

"Oh. Ok well you ok?"


She hugs me.



She heads out, and I am left alone.

Well, almost.


Ryan pov.

I step off the elevator and everyone is already here.

Samantha looks exhausted, as always.

But something's off. The darkness under her eyes seems... darker.

She's yawning constantly.

I don't want to straight up ask her about it so I wait until she uses the bathroom.

"Hey Espo, how was she last night?"

He scrunches his nose. "Who?"

"Your niece. The one that stayed with you last night."

"She didn't stay with me last night. She said she was staying with Castle."

"Oh." In my gut, I feel like this is not adding up.

"Castle, did Ross stay with you last night?"

"No she told me she was staying with Beckett."

"Beckett please don't tell me Ross told you she was staying with Lanie last night."

"She did why?"


I pull out my phone and call Lanie as quickly as possible.


"Lanie please tell me Samantha stayed with you last night!"

"Umm I would love to tell you that Ryan but she didn't."

I swallow hard, and go silent.


"She didn't stay with any of us either."


"Can you ask Oliver if she stayed with him?"

"One sec."

I hear crinkling in the background, and muffled talking.

"Kevin, he said no."

My heart sinks.

"Ok. Thanks Lanie."

I hang up and place my phone back in my pocket.

"Where was she? There's no one else. And why?"

"Why don't we just ask her?" Beckett suggests.

"She won't tell us."

"Maybe. But she might tell me. I know how she works. I know what to say to get her to talk."

I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn to find Ross standing there.

"Samantha can I talk to you?" Beckett asks.

Ross's face pales as she nods slowly.

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