
382 19 0


Ross pov, two hours earlier

I open my eyes, and everything is white. I look down expecting to see myself wearing my blood soaked clothes or a hospital gown, but instead there is a white dress hanging from my body. Its perfect, it feels like it was made for me. It's soft, and reminds me of how Dr. Seuss describes truffula trees. There are flowers etched into the cloth.

I am busy wondering why I am here when a voice comes from behind me. A voice I never thought I would hear again.


I freeze before turning around.


I run into his open arms. There is not a wrinkle in his pressed suit, but there is a flower sitting in his breast pocket.

I miss this hug so much.

He lets go after a much needed embrace.

"You can't stay here. You have to go back down with them. You can't leave Espo thinking it was his fault you died."

"It's not his fault he's just too stubborn to see that."

"I know but, put yourself in his place right now. Would you blame yourself if you did what he did?"

I think for a moment.

"I guess."


I have the urge to sit down, and as soon as I think this two chairs appear next to me.

I sit and so does Montgomery, across from me.

"There's so much pain down there and it's always me and I never complain because it means no one I care about gets hurt. That's why I tried to commit suicide. Ryan just had to catch me."

He takes my hands.

"I'm glad he did. You belong with them. You know how it felt to lose your family? That's how it would feel for them if you died. You don't want to put them in pain do you?"

"You put us in pain. Montgomery when you died, everything changed."

"I know sweetheart. I'm sorry. Sometimes doing the right thing hurts one person but saves another."

There is a beat of silence.

"I didn't want any of this."

"I know Ross. Trust me, it gets better. I love you."

"I love you too."

He takes me into his arms once more.

"Stay strong, ok? I don't want to see you again for a long time."

I laugh.

"Goodbye Captain."

"Goodbye Samantha."

The bright while light fades, and everything goes black.

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