Blue Nylon and Bomb Residue

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The morgue is surrounded by reporters and FBI. We open the double doors that lead to the room with the bodies, and Lanie is shouting orders.
"I don't care who they are! I want them gone!" I smile at her viciousness.

Then I lay eyes on the five bodies on the tables, and I have to turn away.
When I do, I notice Alexis leaning against the wall. I forgot she works here with Lanie. She looks like she's about to cry. Like me.
I nudge Castle and point to Alexis.
"Hey I will be right back ok?"
We both give him a sad smile.
I sink into the closest chair, and pretend to listen to Lanie, but I am actually watching Alexis and Castle.
They are talking, and Alexis wraps her arms around Castle, pulling him into a mutual hug the way only a daughter and a father can.
I miss that so much.
I shake the thoughts away and start paying attention.

"We found scraps of blue nylon imbedded in the body of the man closest to the blast, and bomb residue, meaning the bomb was in something."
For some reason my anger boils.

"We already knew that! I saw that! It was a blue backpack but that doesn't get us any closer to solving this!"

Beckett and Lanie stare at me, and my mouth snaps shut, but I open it again to speak.

"I'm so sorry Lanie. I don't know what came over me. I-I'm sorry."
I feel so guilty.
She walks over to me, and I expect her to yell at me.
Instead she surprises me.
She takes me in her arms and whispers, "we are going to find them ok?"
I nod, and I walk towards the doors.
I cross my arms over my chest as I emerge from the building.
I am facing the ground, and I completely forgot about the people outside.
Within seconds I am bombarded by reporters, newscasters, as journalists.
They somehow all know my name.
"Samantha is it true you are the only survivor that was injured in the blast?"
"Do you know who is behind this?"
"How many casualties have there been?"
Their cameras are blinding.
Someone grabs me and starts pulling, and I don't bother to pull away. They lead me through the crowd and away from the chaos.
When we finally reach the brink of the masses, I find Castle holding onto me and Alexis pulling him.

Alexis wraps her arms around me, and I can hear her choking back sobs.
"Oh my god. I'm so glad you are ok. I was watching the news while the explosion happened and I saw you there, and the next thing I knew you were in the hospital."
She squeezes a little tighter, and I am speechless.
I never knew Alexis liked me, let alone cared if I died or not.
She lets go after a few minutes, but still holds on to my shoulders, looking me in the eye.
"Alexis, I'm so sorry you had to see all of that. I'm just glad it was me instead of you."
"I wish it hasn't been anyone. No one deserved that."
"I know. I can't wait until we solve this case."

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