I Fell

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I stare at the phone. Nothing. I put my head on Beckett's desk waiting for a call.

"Hey Ross."
I sit up abruptly and fall out of my chair, hitting my forehead on the corner of the desk on the way down.
"Ow." I stand up and Beckett's back is turned to me.
"Are you ok-" she turns around and looks at me. "You're bleeding! Come here." I follow her into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see blood dribbling down my face. I suddenly feel dizzy and grab the sink for support. I get nauseous, and run for the trash can. I throw up the little food I had in me. Beckett is holding back my hair. She hands me a wet paper towel for my mouth. I clean up and she looks at my head again.
"I think you need a doctor. Lets go to the morgue and see Lanie."
"Beckett I'm fine. Just a cut that's it."
"No we are going. I'll call Castle and have him tell the boys where we are."

We arrive at the morgue, and I am met with the stench of dead bodies. We go inside and find Lanie standing over a body, looking at his face.
"Hey Lanie. We need your help."
She looks up and sees me.
"What happened?"
"I fell."
"Sit down."
I do, and she follows me. She grabs a flashlight and shines it in my eyes.
"Girl you have a concussion."
She cleans my head and gives me ice.
"You are fine, but no running for a few days. If you work in the field it can only be crime scene."
"But Lanie-"
"No. This is serious. Promise?"
"Beckett you watch her."
I glare at them.
We get back in the car. I am still holding the ice to my head.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's ok."
We are driving back to the precinct, and Beckett starts laughing.
"What?" I ask confused.
"It's really not funny but, when I got shot and I saw your stitches you said you fell. Now you really did."
I shake my head smiling.

We walk out of the elevators and Ryan, Castle, and Espo are there waiting. I try to avoid them but they see me.
"What happened chica?" Asks Espo stifling a laugh.
"I fell ok?" I'm smiling too now.
They all laugh.
"Ok. Has there been a murder yet?" I ask
Ryan answers. "No-" the phone rings. He sighs. "Yes." I bust out laughing as he picks up the phone.
I am still laughing as he hangs up. He rolls his eyes but smiles.
"Come on. Ill drive you." We walk out, and I throw the ice in the trash.
We arrive at the building and walk inside, and it becomes all to familiar.
I stop abruptly when I see the scene. There is no body, just tons of blood. And I know why.
This is where I came when I ran away. When I cut myself with the glass from the mirror.
"Where's the body?" Asks Castle.
"I don't know. I don't know if there is one. This much blood could kill someone, but not necessarily." Replies Lanie.
I am still standing there with a shocked look on my face.
"Ross are you ok?" Espo questions.
I snap out of it.
"Yeah. I'm fine." My voice is raspy and I know I'm not convincing.
"Look this is your first crime scene in awhile. We would all understand if you want to leave." Says Beckett.
"No. I'm ok. Do we know who's blood it is?"
"No," replies Lanie. "It's processing right now. Ok here are the results.
B positive from a teenage girl. Not in the system."
I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.
"Hey Ross we don't have your blood in the system. We need to do that. We are supposed to have that. We can do it when we get back to the station. I say we leave because right now there is a big chance there isn't even a dead body." Says Beckett.
I get back in the car with Ryan and Espo.
At the precinct I am waiting at Beckett's desk for her to come in. When she does she beckons me so I follow. We go into a back room. Lanie is there.
"Sit down."
I do.
"Hold out your finger."
I do. She stabs me with a needle and puts the blood on a tester. She puts it under the microscope and scans the blood information into the computer, along with my information.
"Hey Lanie is there a chance we could run the blood again from the scene? Maybe someone was caught or a body was found."
I feel my face go pale.
"Um... No I don't think we need to do that." I say in a panic.
"Why not?"
"I-it's been like half an hour I don't think much will change in half an hour I mean, come on." I scoff.
Beckett rolls her eyes.
"Lanie please run it again."
"Ok whatever you say girl."
The computer boots, and I hear beeping. And they stop. Lanie looks at the screen.
"Wait. This can't be right. It says the blood is yours."
They both turn to me.

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