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I wake to a sharp pain in my side, still wrapped in Espo's arms.

"Espo?" I nudge him.

"Hmm?" He pulls me closer to him, and I supress my moans of pain.

"Hey Chica. How you doing?"

"Okay." I feel comforted in his chest, and my fear evaporates.

I know he has a lot of questions, but he's not asking them.



"Do you have any ibuprofen?"

"Yeah I'll go get some, are you okay with that? I'll just be in the bathroom."

I nod, and he gets up.

He brings me two pills and a glass of water.

I take them from him gratefully.
I quickly pop the pills and take a swig of water.

It only takes a few minutes before the medicine kicks in, and I am grateful.

"C'mon. Let's go to the precinct." I urge him, and he looks skeptical.

"Mija I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please Tío? Por favor?"

"Are you sure you're ready? You have broken bones and you're hurt!"

"I'm fine."

He sighs. "Alright. Let's go."

The drive seems to take forever, but the worst part is walking inside and seeing everyone's reactions.

Beckett hugs me tightly, they all do.

I am so sore, everything hurts.

"Hey Beckett, can we watch whatever's on the video now?" Espo asks.

"Samantha are you sure you want to be here for this?" Beckett looks at me.

I nod.

She puts the video in, and the rest of them gather around. It's me, and Jenny, when I first get there. Me bargaining while holding a gun to my head.

And the funny part is I only remember some of it.

When it's over, ending with Jenny running, they all have tears in their eyes.

"You saved her life," Ryan whispers, tears in his eyes.

"How did you manage to break out of the cell?" Castle asks.

I smile a little at my own cleverness. "I just shorted the electricity. The lock undid itself. You might want to get some better cells."

I try to lighten the tension.

The next couple of days go by slowly, and quickly at the same time.

I spend time with everyone all at once.

But finally, the day comes that will make or break my future.

I lay on the gurney waiting to go into surgery, and I don't know how so many people managed to squeeze themselves into my hospital room.

They are all silently crying.

"Whatever happens," I say, "I'll always love you guys."

"We love you too." They all say together.

"I'm scared," I admit quietly.

Beckett takes my hand. "We'll be right here waiting, always."

Castle's partnerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin