We Continue

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Espo takes me to his apartment and it immediately brings back bad memories.

I walk to the window and stare from it. Nothing seems the same, yet it seems so familiar.

Espo appears next to me.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me against him.

"Everything's going to be okay."

I fall silent, something uncommon for me.

He kisses me on the forehead, making me aware of his presence once more.

"I'll make you some hot chocolate and you can rest for a few."

I don't want to argue so I let him lead me to the couch. He drapes a blanket over my shoulders after I pull my legs up. I'm laying in fetal position with my head resting on the soft arm of the couch.

I listen to Espo in the kitchen and he comes back quickly with a mug in his hands.

I sit up and take it from him wordlessly, nodding my thank you as he sits next to me.

He leaves me in peace as I gratefully drink the warm brown liquid. It feels amazing as it warms my stomach.

After the cup is empty I move to take it to the dishwasher, but Espo stops me.

"Here," he takes it from my hands and brings it to the dishwasher himself.

"You're tired," he states.

"How do you know?"

He swoops me in his arms.

"Because you're not telling me to put you down."

I smile a little. He carries me into the newly repaired bedroom.
He sets me in the bed and pulls the covers over me.

"You want me to stay?"

I shake my head.

"Okay. I'll be out there if you need me. I have to make a few phone calls. Get some rest."

I close my eyes and turn towards the wall, not realizing how tired I really am. Within moments I am asleep, and I know I won't be waking up any time soon.


Espo pov

I get out my phone and press one on speed dial. Ryan's number automatically starts to ring, and he picks up soon thereafter.


"Hey it's Espo. Can you come to my apartment?"

"Yeah is everything alright?"

"I don't know."

"Okay I'll grab Jenny and-"

"No. Not Jenny. Just you."

"Be there in ten."

I can hear the suspicion and urgency in his voice.

It sounds the same as when we got together under the radar when we were looking for Brandon and after Beckett was shot.

I call her and Castle and tell them the same.

Ryan shows up first, then Beckett, then Castle.

They sit at the table, and I bring beers for us all.

"Espo what's going on? Why are we here? We only do this if it's something serious." Beckett questions.

I sit with them, turning the chair so I have nothing behind me, and the back of it in front of me.

I'm not quick to answer anything. I pop open a beer and take a swig to wet my mouth.

"Elizabeth's dead."

The room goes silent, I could drop a pin on the carpeted floor and it would be loud.

"How the hell did you find her? Or even find that out?" Asks Castle.

"It's what I do. Don't ask questions."

The color has drained from Beckett's face.

"Espo," she whispers, "did you kill her?"

"No." I say bluntly.

"Javi, did you?" Repeats Ryan.

"I said no. And I'm not sure who did either. All I know is that she was found murdered in Central Park last night. My buddy at the 54th found her."

"Do we tell Ross?" Asks Castle.

"If we aren't going to then we need to be quiet. She's in the back room."

"Wait, why? I thought she was at the hospital!" Exclaims Ryan.

"She was until I found her having a meltdown in the bathroom. She was going to run away and I'm sure it would have worked if I hadn't been there. I brought her here so she could be away from everyone before the trial. She needs rest. I don't think she's gotten more than six hours of sleep in one night in at least two months. I can't believe she hasn't keeled over from exhaustion!"

"She does need rest, and we need to decide if we're telling her or not." Says Castle.

"She'll find out even if we don't. I think it's best if she hears it from us."

"Ok. We'll tell her when she wakes up. In the meantime we need to come up with a plan to keep her safe," says Beckett.

And so, we continue like this for hours, waiting for her to wake up.

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