The Songs Make Sense

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My heart is pounding so loudly I'm sure it's going to come out of my chest.

I hear Ryan and Jenny talking in the kitchen. They will want to know I'm home.

"I'm here!" I say rather loudly.

"How was your date?" Ryan calls from the kitchen, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Good. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

I don't wait for a response before running into my room and closing the door behind me.

I flop onto my bed and lay like you would to make a snow angel.

I pull out my phone and call Alexis. When the ringing stops I don't wait for her to say anything.

"I have no idea what just happened. We kissed Alexis we kissed!"

She gasps. "Was it your first kiss? How was it?"

I think for a moment.

"Yeah first one. I liked it."

"Samantha! I'm so happy for you!"

"How do you know if you're in love?" I ask.

She's quiet for a moment.

"All the songs make sense."

I smile even though she can't see me.



"I love you."

"I love you too. Happy Fourth of July. Goodnight."


We hang up and I put my phone on the table next to my bed.

I don't bother changing. I keep Oliver's jacket on and curl up underneath the blankets.

I close my eyes and realize, the songs make sense.


I wander into the kitchen.

Jenny immediately pulls me into a hug.

"Are you ok?"

I pull away from her, a confused (yet amused) look on my face.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why?"

"You barely said anything last night. Did everything go ok? What happened?"

"Jenny, it was great. We went to El Palmar and..."

I fade off, remembering the odd feeling I had of someone watching me.

"What?" Ryan bounces his leg in anticipation.

"And then we watched fireworks from the top of a building. And ate Italian dessert."

"I see. Did anything happen?"

I shrug and bite the inside of my cheek.

"Samantha!" Ryan looks worried.

"Ryan it was just a kiss that's all."

"Ugh buh uh uh you did what!"

I laugh. "Yes, I actually did. Ok? And I actually enjoyed it. I enjoyed something Ryan. Aren't you happy about that?"

"I guess. Just be careful ok?"

"I know." I smile.

Ryan and Jenny look at each other.

"Can you sit down for a minute? There's something I need to tell you." Ryan says.

My stomach churns. That's never good.

I sit cautiously in a chair and wait for the bad news to be delivered.

"We have Brandon in holding. That means that there's going to be a trial in about a month. You have to testify."

I knew I would have to but I just shoved the thought to the back of my mind. I don't want to face him in court.

"But nothing's going to happen to you. We will all be there in uniform and there will be other guards."

I grit my teeth.

"Samantha? Watcha thinking?"

I shake my head and stare at my feet.

I open my mouth to speak, but have nothing to say.

I'm saved by the fact that my phone buzzes.

I turn it on and a text pops up from a blocked number.

Just like when I was kidnapped.

And the message is just as chilling this time.

Looked like you were having a good time last night. How much longer will it last?

And attached is a clear picture of Oliver and I kissing.

I pale, but I try to hide my expression.

"Who was it? Is everything ok?"
Jenny asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just gonna...go for a walk. I'll be back soon."

"What's going on?" Ryan's voice becomes firm.


I turn and leave the apartment.

I make my way to the roof, knowing I can get a clear view of things.

I look around but I see no one even glancing in my direction.

I press the call button next to the blocked number. Sometimes even when it's blocked the call will go through.

After the third ring, a man with a deep voice answers.

"I see you got my text. I was hoping I would get the chance to talk to you."

"Who are you?"

"Let's just say for now I'm Connor."

"Why are you watching me?"

"It's a well paying job. It takes a skilled person to stalk and not be found."

"Who's paying you?"

"A man with unlimited resources."

"Are you watching me right now?"

"I like the jacket you're wearing. Did dear Olli give it to you?"

That's the last thing I hear before the phone slips out of my hand and lands on the ground.

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