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"Beckett?" I almost scream. I stand up shakily.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I close the file before she sees what is inside, and pick it up. I start walking away, and she follows.
"Where are you going? We need to talk!"
"Really? About what?"
By this time she catches up to me. She grabs my elbow but I pull away and keep walking.
"Please stop! I'm sorry."
At that, I do stop. I turn around to face her, and she keeps talking.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have waited three months to call you I know, but I just needed more time. Montgomery was killed because of me. You almost died because of me. I almost died because of me. I was scared ok? I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. It was hard enough asking Castle for his forgiveness, but I need yours too. Please come back. I need you. Heck, we all do. You can come live with me, or someone else if you want I don't know. Just please come home."
I don't know what to say. Did she really just ask me to come live with her?
I walk up to her and slowly put my arms around her, hugging the person that has gotten me through the last year. She quietly exhales, clearly relieved at what I have just done, and puts her arms around me too.
"Thank you" she whispers.
I let go and ask
"How did you find me?"
She points to someone behind me, and I turn around. Castle is standing a few feet behind me.
"I may have... Sort of... Tracked your phone. When you gave me your number a couple weeks ago, I put a GPS on it. And then I gave Beckett your number."
"Oh. That's how she got it?" I walk up to Castle and punch him in the arm.
"That's for tracking my phone."
I hug him and say,"that's for not seeing you for three months."
Suddenly my phone buzzes. I pull away from Castle, and check my phone.
It's a blocked number, and it reads:
If you want your friends to live come with me. I am the man behind you with the orange tie. Say good bye. Chances are you will never see them again.

I turn off my phone, trying to pretend that never happened.
"Who was that?" Castle asks.
"Oh. Nobody. Um.. I have to go now Castle, but I love you. Thank you for everything." I'm trying to keep everything together, knowing this may well be the last time I see him. Then I turn towards Beckett.
I hand her the file, and she goes to open it.
"Not yet. Please don't open it yet. A week. If you don't hear from me for a week, then you open it. Promise me?"
"Ross what is going on?"
"Please just promise."
She nods, but her eyebrows are furrowed. I hug her one last time, and turn away from the only family I've known for a year and a half. I walk towards the man with the orange tie, and he puts his arm around my shoulder, acting like he knows me. With his other hand, he pulls out a gun and places it on my stomach.
"Don't even think about running" he says under his breath."
I get into his car, in the back seat. He takes out a needle and shoves it into my neck, and everything goes black.

I wake up in the dark. My hands are tied behind my back and I am laying on the floor. I wonder how long I've been out?
Just then I hear the door unlocking, and the man who took me walks in.
"So how's our little prisoner?"
I struggle to sit up.
"Before I hurt you, why don't you tell me what you know? Because I will hurt you. An trust me when I say, I will have you begging, for death."
"Well this is going to be a fun week" I think to myself.
"What do you mean what do I know? I know a lot of things."
He pulls me up off the floor by my hair, and I try not to cry out in pain. He slaps me across the cheek, and my eyes start to water.
"Now is not the best time to be sarcastic. Tell me what you know about your fathers case!"
"I don't know anything! How could I? His murder was never solved!"
He slaps me again, and throws me onto the floor. I lay there, and before I can get up he kicks me in the ribs, and I hear a loud crack, before I lose consciousness.

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