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Six months later:
Ross pov.

I now know everything about Castle, Lanie, Ryan, Espo, and Beckett. I know every detail to her mothers case. I am now part of the precinct family. But they know no more about me than they did when we first met.
The beloved Captain Roy Montgomery gave his life last week for Beckett and his family, and everyone is depressed. Today is the funeral.

We get to the funeral, and there is the guard, and everyone is there. Beckett, Ryan, Espo, Castle and I each pick up his casket and walk with it. Beckett takes her place at the podium, and starts speaking. I am standing next to her, trying not to cry. I look out at the audience, and the gravestones before us, and notice a glint. It seems strange, and then I realize what it is. And it is aimed at Beckett. I dive to get her out of the way, but it is too late.
I see blood, and feel pain. I look at Beckett lying on the ground, and know she is down. Castle is already next to me yelling at Beckett.
"Kate, stay with me! PLEASE! You can't leave me! I love you!" He sobs. I look up at Ryan and Espo, on the phone with 911. I stand up and sprint the 100 yards it takes to get to where the gun is. When I get there, the shooter is gone. I bend down to pick up the gun, and feel dizzy. I notice blood dripping down my neck. I fall. And there is black. I hear sirens and see the bright lights through my closed eyelids. Then everything goes quiet.

I hear a beeping. I open my eyes and sit up and try to stand up all in one motion, but Espo and Ryan are faster. They push me back onto the bed. I try again, and this time I get past Espo, but not Ryan. I collapse into his arms, sobbing into his chest as he holds me. "Where's Beckett?" I manage to choke out.
"She's ok. She came out of surgery just before you did."
"What? I was in surgery? Why?"
Espo looks at me as I pull away from Ryan's chest.
"When you tackled her, the bullet grazed the side of your head. That's the only reason Beckett is alive. You slowed it down, and it didnt hit her hard enough to kill her instantly."
"I want to see her. I need to get out of here I try to stand up and walk towards the door, but soon become very dizzy. I fall against the wall and slowly slide down. Ryan and Espo look at each other, and then at me. They call in a nurse and she signs me out, but makes me promise to be more careful. I do, and I walk out of the room with Ryan and Espo on my heels. "Where's Beckett?"
"Downstairs." I walk to the nearest elevator, and step in, and so do the boys.
"Does Beckett know about me already?"
"Um no. We thought it would be best if you tell her."
"No. Nobody will tell her. She doesn't need to know about the gun. Not yet. Ill try to hide my head from her, but if she sees it I will tell her."
The elevator stopped, and the doors opened. I started walking toward Kate's room, but before I get there, someone grabs my arm. He pulls my face towards his.
"How could you let this happen to her? You saw the gun! You could have saved her, but you didn't. You are a COWARD!"
He lets go and shoves me into the wall. I am stunned. He runs towards me and slaps me, hard. I look up and see Espo and Castle on top of him. They pull him off the ground and Espo handcuffs him.
"Josh you are under arrest for verbal abuse and assault." He continues to tell Josh his rights, and Ryan runs to me, and pulls me off the ground and into a hug. "It's going to be ok," he whispers.
"But he's right. It's my fault. I could have saved her, but I didn't."
"Hey, that is not true. You did save her. She wouldn't be alive right now without you. Look at me," he says as he pulls away from me. "We love you. Nothing you do can change that. Beckett still loves you, and so do I, and so does Espo, and Lanie, and Castle, and Alexis and Martha."
I nod, and try to take a deep breath. "Are you ready?" He asks. I nod again.
I walk into Beckett's room, and see her sitting up, awake, staring off into space. She sees me, and her eyes light up. She smiles.
"Hey Ross. Come here." She opens we arms for a hug, so I walk to her bedside and hug her back. I sit down in the chair next to her.
"How you doing?" I ask her.
"Ok. The pains not that bad right now. So what was all that noise in the hallway about?" I look over at Castle, hoping he can answer that question. He catches my glimpse and answers, "well your boyfriend was just a little unhappy that's all."
"Josh? I broke up with him before you came in. What was wrong?" She asks puzzled.
Castle looks at me, to make sure it's ok of he tells Beckett. I nod, telling him it's ok.
"Um... Josh isn't too happy about what happened to you, and uh, he kind of got mad at Sam... and blamed her... And then pushed her and.... hit her..." He trails off. I know Beckett is looking at me, an I avoid her gaze. She raises her hand to my cheek, and I try not to wince.
"That son of a b**ch hurt you?" Her voice is breaking.
I take her hand. "Yeah but I'm ok now see? It's ok. Espo arrested him, and I'm sure two mad partners like him and Ryan can get a confession out of him." She starts laughing at that.
I sub consciously move my hair behind my ear, exposing my stitches.
Beckett's laughing stops immediately.
"What are those from?" She asks worried.
"Um... I fell. I'm such a klutz." I try to laugh it off, but she's not buying it.
"What really happened?" Castle walks up behind me and takes my hand, letting me know its ok.
"Are you sure you want to know?"
Beckett nods.
"Ok. So when you were on the podium, I looked out at the crowd and I saw a glint. I realized what it was, and that it was aimed at you, so I tried. I tried Beckett I'm sorry." My voice breaks.
"What? What do you mean?"
I open my mouth to talk, and close it again.
"Samantha, what happened?"
"I tried to save you. I tried to.."
"You tried to take that bullet for me didn't you?"
"I tried, but I couldn't. I'm sorry."
"Samantha why are you sorry? You saved my life! In the one that should be sorry! Why would you do that for me?"
"Because I didn't want to see you suffer. I couldn't let that happen. I know you would have done the same, because that's what family does."
"Thank you." She pulls me into another hug. Now it's Castles turn to talk.
"So you don't remember anything that happened?"
"No, sorry." Beckett replies.
"Oh. That's ok. I'm just glad you are ok. So tomorrow?"
"Um Castle? I'm sorry. I need some time. Ill call you ok?"
His face falls, but quickly tries to hide it.
"Ok, yeah. Sounds good. Good bye Beckett." He walks out of the room.
"I guess we'll just leave you two alone." Says Ryan. I almost forgot him and Espo were still here. They walk out after Castle.

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