Coffee for 2

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Beckett's pov

As I walk in the door to my apartment, I can't help but wonder what that girl is doing. I hope she's ok. It seemed like there was something off, like she had problems at home. And it was hot today, why was she wearing a sweatshirt?
I guess I will ask her tomorrow. Maybe If she stays with us long enough, she could be the youngest female detective to make the team. She could beat my record!
That's when I decide that I will do anything I can to make sure she gets on the team. Anything.

The next morning I get to the precinct to see Ross standing outside.
"Do you want to come in?"
She nods. We walk to the elevators and ride to the right floor.
"So how are you?" I ask.
"Im good, how are you?"
"Good." I reply. God why is this so hard Kate, just ask!
"So is everything ok with you at home?"
She seems surprised at this question but answers "yes."
We walk over to the murder board and I see her eyes light up as she searches it. She's actually quite beautiful. She's pretty short, like 5'2. She has orangey red hair, like Alexis and Martha. She looks like she could be a Castle! But she has dark, dark brown eyes, almost black. She's skinny too, but fit, like she works out. There is something familiar about her, but I can't put my finger on it.

Castles pov
I walk into the precinct and see a girl standing there next to Beckett, and for half a second I thought it was Alexis. Then she turned around and I saw her face and eyes, and I knew it wasn't. There was something familiar about her though, like I had seen her before. She looked at me and smiled.
I walked over holding two coffees, feeling bad I didn't get her one.
I hand one to Beckett and say
"Sorry, I didn't know you were going to be here I didn't get you a coffee."
She smiled again and said, "it's ok, you didn't need to. I don't drink coffee anyway."
I handed one to Beckett and asked, "so what do we know about our Vic?"
"He's 32, name is Philip jones. Everyone we talked to said that he was kind, and was an amazing friend.
"Does he have a daughter or son?" The girl asks.
"Um I actually don't know." Beckett said.
"Well if everyone said that he was such a great person, maybe someone threatened the kid and then when Philip did what they wanted they killed him?"
"Wow. That seems legit. Can we find out about his kid?" I say
"Um yeah I'll get Ryan to find out about the kid." Beckett said. She pulled out her phone and started to call Ryan. "Hey find out if the Vic had a kid. Ok. Ok. Bye"
She smiled at... I don't even know her name.
"Hi my name is Richard Castle."
"Hi I'm Ross."
"It's nice to meet you I say."
"It's nice to meet you too. She holds out her hand for a handshake. I shake her hand.
"Ok Ross, do you want to meet the Captain?"
"Yes, please!" She says trying to contain her excitement.

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