The Sketch

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Ross pov

When I wake up, the precinct is bustling with activity. I make my way to Beckett's desk, where a sketch sits.

I figure it's who attacked me, from Nick's memory. I bet Beckett already put out an APB.

But no one is here. Where are they?

I wander around aimlessly, but I don't find them.

I for some reason open the door to the observation room to the box, and Beckett stands there with Castle and Nick.

Beckett sees me and smiles.

"We got him. Look."

She grabs my hand and points to the glass where a middle-aged and well built man sits.

He has a black eye and stitches on his hand where I bit him.

I smile. At least I did some damage.

He's confessing to attacking me, which doesn't surprise me because Ryan and Espo are grilling him like there's no tomorrow.

"Yes, it was me okay? But only on orders of my organization."

"Your organization almost killed both of us!" Ryan yells.

"Only because that girl was getting too close to finding out too much. We have some of the best ex-cops and soldiers in the country, and we have a good cause."

"That's why Richards tried to kill her brother?"

"Richards didn't want to kill anyone. When he found that terrorist he had to kill him, he only kills if he has to."

"Right. And he got killed instead, because he didn't know about armored cars. Your organization is not government sanctioned. That's why you didn't know."

Within a few minutes he's signing confession papers.

"We got him." Beckett says.

"We did. Now Nick can have some peace knowing no one will come after him again."

"What about you?" She asks.

"What about me?"

"What do you feel?"

I shrug. "Like I don't wanna know what will happen to me if I was a terrorist," I say, and laugh at my own unfunny joke.

But Beckett doesn't laugh. "I'm serious."

I sigh, and I approach her with open arms.

I hug her, and I feel her tense body relax slightly.

"I'm okay Beckett, I promise."

She lets go.

"I'm worried about you."

"I know, you always are. And that's what family does, they worry. But Beckett, look. I'm here right now and I'm fine. Maybe I won't be tomorrow, but right now I am."

She smiles.

"Okay. I'm glad."

"Umm, speaking of Nick, where is he?"

"Probably waiting by my desk for you."


I start to turn, but Beckett calls me.


I turn back around.

"I'm glad you found Nick. He seems like a great guy and I can tell he loves you so much. But, can I ask you a question?"

I nod.

"Why didn't you tell us about him earlier?"

My smile fades, and run my fingers through my hair.

"It was too painful. I thought I lost him, thought he left me. There are a lot of things I haven't told you, you know it's hard for me to open up about things."

She nods thoughtfully. "Okay. I hope you'll open up when you're ready."

I nod, and leave to find Nick.

He sits impatiently at Beckett's desk, his leg bouncing up and down.

When he sees me, his leg stops and his back slouches in relief.

"Come here little sis."

He brings me into his chest and kisses the top of my head.

"I love you. I'm so sorry."

"For what?"


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