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Ryan lays unmoving on the floor.

His suit is dirty and looks hassled.

I run to him.

"Ryan! Ryan c'mon wake up!"

I nudge his shoulder.

He's still.

I feel for a pulse, and luckily there is one.

His chest is rising and falling.

I become desperate.

"C'mon I can't lose you too. Please wake up!" I'm in tears now.

I move his body, trying to get him to wake up.

Suddenly he coughs, his eyes fluttering open and locking on me.

He pulls himself into a kneeling position, groaning all the while.

I throw my arms around him, and he slowly raises his to my body, engulfing me in a warm embrace.

"Oh you're ok. You're ok!"

"Yeah, I'm good."

I let go and look him in the eye, smiling.

"You asshole! Don't scare me like that!"

He grins.

"Sorry. Now can you tell me what happened?"

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