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I open my eyes again and see the same thing I did before. I'm hungry and tired. I want to go to sleep but I don't want to risk the chance of that man coming in here and taking advantage of me. I also don't want to fall asleep and not wake up again.
I try to sit up, and when I do a crippling pain shoots through my body.
The same man walks into the room. And pulls me onto my feet. He drags me back through the door and leads me into another room. There is a bucket of ice water on the ground next to me, and I know whatever is about to happen, is not going to be pleasant.
He pushes me down to my knees and with his heel, drags a chair behind him. He sits down.
"You are going to tell me what I want to know."
He shoves my head under the ice water, and I struggle against him. I can't breathe, and I am running out of air. Just before I think I am going to pass out, he pulls my head above the water.
I gasp, and try to force air into my burning lungs before he shoves me in again. He repeats the process, and when he lets go my lungs burn more than I thought was possible.
"Why don't you just tell me? I know you want to. The ice water burns your lungs. It hurts like hell and ill just keep going until you tell me."
He shoves my head back under. This process is repeated for hours, and all the ice is gone except for a few lingering pieces. He pulls me back out and I am crying, but he can't see because my face is completely wet. My lungs burn like hell, and my face is bleeding from being raw. The water is red. I want nothing more than for this to end, for this torture to stop, and he knows it.
"Tell me what I want to know."
I open my mouth, ready to give in, and I fall onto the floor as he lets go. My eyes roll back into my head. I am still conscious, but barely.
"You know, you are pretty strong for a fourteen year old. I've done this to grown men, and they are on their knees begging for mercy and death."
He takes out a knife and stabs me in the leg. I scream, and them i hear a gunshot. His body goes limp in front of my eyes, and I look toward the door. Beckett is standing there, with her gun out. She sprints towards me, and untied my hands.
"I got an officer down, I need an ambulance now!" She screams into her walkie talkie. I'm still gasping for breath, and my lungs still burn. The pain in my leg is nothing compared to the pain in my lungs. I'm still on the floor, but Beckett strips off her jacket and presses it to my leg.
"Hey in here!" She yells and Castle, Espo, Ryan, and Lanie rush into the room.
I see Lanies eyes quickly fill with fear because she sees my body on the floor, and not the mans.
With all the strength I can muster I hold my hand out towards Lanie, telling her that I'm not the dead body. She runs towards me and latches onto my hand, and runs her fingers through my wet hair, moving it out of my face. I am losing consciousness because of pain, shock, and blood loss. I am surrounded by people I love, and I feel at peace. I want to let go, but my body fights against itself and tells me to stay alive.
I hear sirens outside and moments later three men are rushing in with a gurney. They gently lift me onto it, and Lanie is still holding my hand.
I am in an ambulance and Lanie is still there with me, and I heard Beckett say she is following in her car. The ride is brief, but painful. I drift in and out of consciousness. Suddenly we stop, and the doors open. They pull me out on the gurney and rush me into the hospital. I hear Beckett and Lanie running after me, and everything goes quiet. I don't know if I'm going to make it. Even in the hospital with Beckett, I didn't feel this way. I feel my heart slowing down. Everything around me fades away, and it's black. I am ready to let go, but something tells me to hold on.
I see a bright light, and i walk to it, somehow feeling it is meant for me. it is comforting.
My thoughts slow in my mind, and I see someone I never thought I would see again.
I look up and see my mom. She walks towards me and put her arms around me, and I start sobbing. I haven't hugged these arms in so long. I feel little hands around my waist, and I look down to see my little brother. I let go of my mom and bend down to hug my brother. I feel a hand grab my head, and the other one gives me a noogie. I look up this time, and see my two older sisters. They both pull me into a hug. Someone comes up behind me and hugs me on the back. I let go of my sisters and turn around to see my dads chest. We hug. I let go an they all look at me.
"We've all missed you so much, but you can't stay with us."
"Why? Don't you want me to stay with you?"
"Of course we do baby, but you don't belong with us. You have to stay strong and fight through. Stay alive. I know it's hard, but we are all here with you, watching over you."
They all nod, and now my dad talks.
"It's time for you to go back now. Go back to Beckett, and Castle. Ryan and Espo are waiting for you. Even though they don't necessarily show it, they love you like a niece. Lanie loves you so much too. Don't forget Alexis and Martha, they consider you family now. But be careful! We don't like watching you suffer."
I take in every word. I turn around and face my brother. The person I love more than anyone in the world, my life. "I love you I say." I bend down and he hugs me around the neck, and I hug him back.
"I love you too he says."
My sisters come for a hug, and my parents. It is one big group hug, and I've never been happier. The. They all let go, smile at me, and walk away.
I know I should be sad that I will never see them again, but I can't help feeling the happiest I've felt in years. They fade away, and so does the light. It goes black again, and I hear a beeping. It sounds familiar, like I've heard it before. I think it is weird that it is right in time with my heartbeat.
That is one thing I have always hated. I could never stand the sound of my own heartbeat. Someone else's is ok, but not mine.
I slowly figure out that I'm not asleep, but not awake. I want to open my eyes and see what is going on around me, it it's too hard. I wait a few minutes, and try again. With all my strength, I push my eyes open, and am punished by the blinding lights above.
I gasp loudly, and sit up at the same time.

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