To My Heart

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A few minutes later, sirens come racing down the street, and a paramedic comes to check out Beckett.

She gets an all clear, and SWAT comes in to take over the situation.

"Alright, well I think this dude killed George. We need to find him, find out everything about him."

I nod, and it causes a fit of coughing.

I ignore it.

"Ross come with me. You three go together."

Castle, Espo and Ryan all get in one car while I ride with Beckett.

"Samantha, how the hell did you know that the flower is poison?"

I think for a moment.

"I don't know. I think I read it somewhere."

I start coughing again.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

We continue to drive, mostly in silence.

I start to feel dizzy and carsick, and that never happens.

When we finally pull up to the twelfth, I almost cry out of relief.

I'm surprised I made it without throwing up.

Espo's squad car pulls up next to us.

I stand up, and I immediately regret it.

I become so dizzy I collapse on the sidewalk.

Esposito rushes to my side.

He flips me on my back.

"What happened?"

He starts searching my body looking for what's wrong.

He comes to my hand and stops.

"Shit we have to get you to the hospital!"

I glance down, and there is a cut on my fingertip about a centimeter in length, and a long black line leading straight up my arm to my heart.

Beckett is then next to us.

"Why what's wrong?"

"She has the poison in her bloodstream! If it reaches her heart she'll die!"

Fear takes over her eyes.

"I'll call an ambulance."

"There's no time they'll get here too late!"

"Then what do we do?"


Espo scoops me into his arms and starts sprinting.

After what seems like hours, but I know is only a few minutes later, he rushes through the doors of the nearest hospital.

"Help, we need a doctor! Please!"

A nurse in pink stands and calls through down the hall for a doctor and a bed.

Soon they both rush towards us.

Espo sets me down gently, and I start shivering, but I break out in a sweat.

My breath shallows.

"There's poison in her bloodstream and it needs to stop spreading!" Espo says frantically.

"What's her name?"

"Samantha Ross. She's fifteen. Please, don't let her die."

"Alright Samantha. You've gotta stay strong. You've got a family that loves you, and that is worth fighting for. It's not going to be easy but you have to. For them."

That is the last thing I hear before I pass out, but I know I want my heart to keep beating.

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