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"I want to watch."

Ryan and Espo look at each other.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Asks Espo.

I sigh. "I really don't know. We'll find out won't we?"

I take a deep breath and head into the observation room.

Brandon looks relaxed sitting in there, casually folding his hands that are chained to the desk.

Beckett opens the file and takes out a picture of me.

"Do you know this girl?"

He smirks. "Everyone in New York knows her."

"No. Everyone in New York has heard of her. Do you know her?"

"Sure I did. The little brat lived with me until she ran away."

"Why did she run away?"

"I don't know."

"Ok. Did you ever fight? Did things get violent?"

"Oh so you do know."

"Know what?" Beckett's face distorts, her nose crinkling in confusion.

"That I beat her. Every day. She tried to fight me she really did, but she was weak. And I was strong. And she was mine."

Espo and Ryan grip the windowsill, their knuckles white and their jaws clenched.

"What else did you do to her?"
Beckett's voice is edgy.

"I molested her. After I killed my daughter I kind of regretted it because I didn't have a girl of my own. And I kept trying to have sex with her but she wouldn't let me. Then one day I wouldn't take no for an answer. I raped her, and I would love to do it again."

"How could you do that? She's just a kid." Beckett's starting to lose her cool, and Castle doesn't stop her. No one does.

"What's your point? Look lady are you going to arrest me or not because I would love to see my daughter again. Maybe even more than see."

"She's not your daughter!" Castle stands up and yells, slamming his hand on the metal table.

"No you're right I'm sorry. I killed my daughter."

"Go to hell." Beckett says, and he laughs.

He laughs. "Honey, where do you think I came from?"

His laugh echoes in my ears, and I can't handle it. It just reminds me of all the times he left me on the floor, bruised and battered and bleeding.

I walk out, not wanting to hear any more.

I lean on Beckett's desk, and it feels like I'm out of breath.

Why would he just admit to everything?

"Hey you ok?" Espo asks from behind me.

For some reason I start cracking up. And I can't stop.

Espo's eyes widen, and I know he's concerned.

"I don't know. I don't know anything anymore!"

My laughs slowly turn until I'm standing there with tears silently rolling down my cheeks.

Espo slowly approaches me, taking my hands in his.

I look at him, and he pulls me into his chest.

I am almost swallowed in his large frame, but it makes me feel safe.

After a few minutes I pull away.

"I'm gonna take a walk."

As I turn I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Sobrinita. Chica, promise me you'll come back safe."

"I'm just going for a walk."


"I promise Tío ok?"

I walk, but I know where I'm going.

I keep going until I meet the doors of the morgue.

I push them open and lead myself into Lanie's room.

As the door closes behind me Lanie looks up from her dead body dissection.

"Oh hey Samantha. Oliver's not here right now-"

"I'm not here to see Oliver. I just needed a break."

"Ok. Do you need to talk?"

"No. Just want to watch."

She nods, silently understanding and acknowledging my request.

I sit in a chair, watching as Lanie takes apart the man in front of me.

I don't know how long I stay, but I know it's a few hours at least.

I have time to do something I never do.

I sort my thoughts. I think, I think through things, through everything.

I pull my legs up to my chest and rest my head on my arms.

I close my eyes, and nod off.

"Samantha. Hey, wake up sweetie."

My eyes open again, slowly, and my arms are still wrapped around my legs.

I lift my head cautiously, being immediately punished by the blinding lights.

I plant my feet on the floor.

"What's wrong baby girl? I know you didn't come here to watch me tear apart a body."

I shrug, avoiding questions.

"What time is it?"

"Around eight."

"Shit. What time did I get here?"


"I've been here for eight hours? How long was I asleep?"

"Well when you got all cozy it was around six so almost two hours."

"That's it? I was watching you for six hours?"

I pull out my phone which was on silent, only to find 16 missed calls. 6 from Ryan, 4 from Espo, 3 from Beckett and 3 from Castle.

"Crap." I press the call button next to Espo's name.

Halfway through the first ring he picks up.

"Please tell me you're ok!" He practically screams through the phone.

"I'm fine, I told you didn't I?"

"Eight hours Chica! We had no idea where you were."

"I've been at the morgue this whole time!"

"But we didn't know that! Someone could have you right now hurting you!"

"Espo I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

He sighs. "I know. Come back now. Please."

"I'll be there in a few."

I hang up, and Lanie looks bewildered.

"Honestly, I am scared to walk back into that precinct. I'm in so much trouble."

Lanie smiles and hugs me.

"Hey I'll cover for you. I love you," she says, moving the hair behind my ear.

"I love you too Lanie. Thank you."

"Always baby."

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