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I wake up screaming, but not crying. It takes me a second to realize where I am. It is still dark. I look at the clock which reads 5:46. I sigh, knowing I won't go back to sleep. I think back to my nightmare, and I realize I only remember bits and pieces of it. The dream wasn't as vivid as it usually is. I grab my clothes and change, then walk to the precinct, leaving a note for Ryan telling him where I am.
It's 6:30 when I get to the precinct. I take the elevator up and walk to Beckett's desk and pick up my dads case file. I leaf through it, going over possible suspects.
When I look up again, the precinct is full of detectives. My eyes wander around the room, looking for someone familiar. When I don't see anyone, I stand up to stretch, and hear voices coming from the interrogation room.
I stroll over to the observation room, and find Beckett in the box questioning a man.
I step closer to the glass, studying the mans face.
His features become more prominent, and I suddenly recognize him.
My body surges with anger. I feel a jolt of electricity run through my veins.
With newfound energy, I burst through the door of the interrogation room, interrupting Beckett mid sentence.
"Ross what's going on?"
I grab the man by his collar, and with more strength than I thought possible, slam him against the one way mirror.
The glass cracks from the force of his body.
Beckett desperately tries to pull me off of him, but I cling to him as though my life depended on it.
She is screaming my name, but I barely hear her over the pounding of my heart against my rib cage.
With one final tug, she manages to drag me away from room and the man.
Outside, I am breathing heavily, my heart still pounding.
"What is your problem?!" Beckett yells.
"That man knows who killed my dad!"

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