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Ryan pov

"Really? Did you even stop to think about what this will do to me? The trauma, I have to go through, again? So who are you doing this for, me, or you?"

Her face is covered in pain, and she's shaking.

The entire floor is focused on us.
She shakes her head and rolls into the elevator, the doors closing behind her like a solemn reminder of what everyone did to her before she found us.

They all closed the door on her, turning their backs like they didn't notice a small girl coming to school limping or see the fear in her eyes when she timidly introduced herself to someone new, unsure if they were going to hurt her too.

"Dude." Esposito glares at me. "Go talk to her."

With my head lowered, I sprint down the slick hallway that seems a mile long with hundreds of eyes on you.

The doors of the elevator close ever so slowly and I tap my foot impatiently.

When they finally open, I run outside and the sunlight causes me to squint against the glare.

She couldn't have gone far, her injury prohibits her from running like she usually does.
And in a wheelchair, she's pretty hard to miss.

I take my chances, and veer left.

It doesn't take long until I find her in the park a block away from the precinct.

She sits next to a bench, facing away from me.

I move around the bench so we are facing each other, but she doesn't see me. She's looking at her lap, her face blank.

She looks deep in thought.

"Hey," I say cautiously.

She moves her head slightly to let me know she's acknowledged me but continues studying her hands.

I sit down on the bench next to her.

Her hands are still shaking, so I reach over and take one in mine.

She looks at me, and her eyes are sad, but her shaking slowly comes to a stop.

"You don't know how much pain they caused me Uncle Ryan." She almost whispers as she leans against me.

My heart breaks a little at this.

I gently lift her out of the wheelchair and next to me.

Her legs dangle above the lush green grass of the park, and the tree beside us provides shade.

"That's why I want to get them. I know you said you didn't want us to get hurt but, we won't..."
I trail off, suddenly realizing why she's so scared.

"We are not going to let them hurt you ok? That's the last thing that would happen."

She buries her face in my chest.

"I'm scared Ryan."

I wrap my arms around her, unsure of any other way to let her know I'm here.

I can hear her start crying although she tries to hide it.

I don't know how else to say I would kill them before they touched her. So...I sing. It half worked before, and I hope it does this time too.

"I will protect you, from all around you. I will be here don't you cry. For one so small, you seem so strong, my arms will hold you keep you safe and warm. This bond between us, can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry."

She lets go of me, her face dripping tears still.

I wipe them away, and she laughs lightly.

"You're singing Tarzan?"

"Yeah well, I thought it worked in the moment."

She smiles. "Thank you."

I nod.

"Samantha, I feel like you aren't telling us everything about your case. We need to know everything if-"

"I told you everything."

"No, you didn't."

Suddenly a fear hits me that causes my stomach to leap to my chest.

"It doesn't matter now anyways you can't get any evidence."

"Samantha look at me. Did he rape you?"

I fear I already know the answer, and I can feel my heart hammering against my ribcage.

Her dark brown eyes avoid mine.

Her voice comes out a whisper.

"Once. The day I ran away."

I think someone has punched me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me.

I grow desperate.

"There has to be a way to get evidence, it might take a while but we will find something it-we can't-"

"Ryan! Ryan, we can't ok?"

Now, I start crying. I put my arms around her and bury my face in her hair.

How could anyone do this to my beautiful niece?

She lets go and looks at me.

"Hey, if I can get through it, you can too."

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