Detective Ryan

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"They are bringing him in tomorrow. He admitted to everything."

"Yes! That's great! That's what we wanted." Beckett exclaims.

I half smile.

"What's wrong?"


Which is a lie. I really I want to go see Ross.

"Ryan go see her." Beckett says, like she's reading my mind.


"That's an order."

I nod.

"But you have to say hi to her for us."

"Ok. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I get in my car and drive to the hospital. I make my way to her room. I look through the window as I walk by, and am surprised to see someone in there.

Oliver sits next to her, tears in his eyes while holding her hand.
He's quiet, but I can hear him through the thin walls.

"I know you're probably tired of fighting. You've shown me your scars and told me what you've been through, but please don't leave me. You are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, and I can't lose you. I love you, I love you." To this he dissolves completely.

My heart breaks at this sight.

They're just kids. They shouldn't have to go through this crap.

Even though I don't know Oliver very well, I know enough. He makes Samantha happy, and he might become my nephew someday.

I take a deep breath and continue into her room, sitting next to Oliver.

I pat him on the back comfortingly, and he looks up at me.

"Oh I didn't realize anyone was here. I'll just go now." He tries to wipe his face off without me noticing, and it doesn't work.

"Oliver, you don't have to leave."

"It's ok. I have to get home."

"Wait, before you go, let me tell you something. Look, society says that guys can't cry, but society is wrong. She loves you even if she doesn't want to. Don't forget that."

He nods. "Thank you Detective Ryan."

"You don't have to call me that. Uncle Ryan works."

The corners of his mouth pull upwards.

"Alright, thank you Uncle Ryan."

He leaves, and I'm alone with my niece.

"So I know this is probably pointless but I'm just going to talk. Today we found Brown! He was trying to get to the west coast I think. You were on the news again..."

And I continue like this, every day. Telling her what happened and things about our cases. Jenny visits everyday, and so do the rest of them.

Oliver seems so torn, but then again we all do.

We are lost without the most complicated, stubborn, intelligent, kind fifteen year old we have ever met.

The precinct seems unusually quiet without her around. There is not much joy or laughter. We all come to work with dark circles under our eyes.

I've started having nightmares, and I know I'll have one tonight like always.

He throws the glass at Beckett, and then one at Ross. I run to Beckett's aid first, and help her. When I finish I run to Ross, who's writhing on the ground in pain.

"It's too late! You could've saved both of us and you didn't! Now you'll never see me again, and it's your fault."

"No! No Samantha please don't die!"

"Kevin! Kevin! It's ok!"

Jenny hugs me as the dream comes to an end, and it takes everything in me to not cry.

"Jenny I love you so much. Don't ever leave me."

"I love you too Kevin. I'm not going anywhere." She sighs. "It's been two weeks."

"I know. I know."

"I miss her."

"I do too."

After work, I drive again to the hospital and start my tale of the day.

"You would have loved this case. Castle's having a ball. He thinks it has something to do with aliens in Area 51. God I wish you could hear some of his theories. Anyways...It's been two weeks. Wow you must be really hungry. How bout this? When you wake up I take you to El Palmar? That sounds good doesn't it?"

I sigh and take her hand.

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