
509 23 4

Ross pov
I open my dads file as I sit down.
I review everything I know.
My dad came across a suspicious check for over a million dollars that was linked back to the serial killer Jerry Tyson. We thought he stopped looking into the case, but he didnt. Tyson has killed everyone involved in this murder except me, even though he tried. He never leaves a trail unless he wants someone to find him.

Wait. He never leaves a trail unless he wants someone to find him.
My dad found him through a trail.
Why did he want my dad to find him?
And how on earth do Elizabeth and Brandon fit into this?
I rub my eyes trying to figure all of this out.
And I come up with diddly squat.
For some reason I am in a good mood, even after everything that has happened over the last few day.
Ryan come over to me.
"Hey we haven't caught a case yet so we are looking into yours ok?"
"Ok but promise me you are being careful. All of you. If something happened to you because of me I would never forgive myself."
"All right. I promise."
As he walks away I call out, "Hey Ryan, I'm going to go to the park ok?"
"Ok just be careful. Do you have your phone?"
I grab everything and shove it in a small backpack.
I start walking, and before long I end up in the middle of a protest rally. I can't even figure out what it is for.
Because of my small size, it is hard to shove my way through the crowd. I look to my left, as see news channel starting their broadcast.
Then I look to my right, and I see a man putting down a backpack and walking away quickly.
"That's weird." I mutter to myself.

And then an explosion rocks the ground under my feet, and I am blown backwards.
And everything goes black.

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