You Found Me

265 10 15

Everything goes silent. My heart pounds so loudly I'm sure it will come out of my chest. My blood rushes past my ears.

How can this be happening? I feel fine! I'm not sick!

I nod at his words, but hear nothing more until I ask a question.

"How long do I have?"

He sighs. "Depends. It will spread quickly."

"How long?"

"A month, maybe two. If surgery works, a lot longer. But the chances of that are slim."

I nod, and stand up to leave. They try to stop me but I push them aside.

I'm done with this BS. I need to get out of here.

I have some money in my pocket, and I walk to the nearest gas station store. I was in there so long that it's already getting late.

I pick up a six pack of beer and head to the counter.

The cashier eyes me suspiciously.

"How old are you?"

I slap a twenty down, which is enough to pay and a bribe.

"Old enough."

He takes the money and pockets it, not giving me a second glance.

It is dark outside, and I don't care. I walk to an alley surrounded by two buildings and a wall, and sit down.

No, I don't drink, and I know I shouldn't, but right now I really just need to forget everything.

I pop open a beer and guzzle half the thing in one gulp. I sit for a few minutes, periodically taking a swig.

Within ten minutes, I'm onto my second.

I can already feel a buzzing at the back of my skull, the effects of the alcohol kicking in.

Slowly, everything starts to slip away, all my worries and fear and pain.

I'm not sure how long I'm out here, but by now I'm on my third beer.

I'm about halfway through when I hear footsteps, and though I am drinking, I am still sober enough to know that's not good.

My reflexes however are too slow and the man is already standing next to me.

But it's not at all who I expect.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Nick yells at me.

He takes the bottle from my hand and throws it hard against the wall, causing it to shatter.


"Where did you get this?!"

"I bought it."


"I don't have to tell you," I manage, but my words are starting to slur.

He's getting angry, I can tell.

"Let's go."

He picks me up, and I try to fight him but I'm too weak, he's a lot stronger than me.

"I think this is messed up," I slur. "You left me before, why don't you do it again?"

I know that was a low blow for him. He carries me down the street like a sack of potatoes, to the nearest house of someone we know, ignoring my insults the whole way there.

He knocks on Espo's door, and when he answers, his nose scrunches.

"Woah Nick, have you been drinking?"

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