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I walk in to the morgue ready to hear from Lanie.

I glance at the clock on the plain, white wall and realize I'm late.

"Crap." I mutter, and I start sprinting.

I run through the hallways, not paying attention to where I am going, and suddenly I am stopped by a solid object.

I bounce off and hit the floor.

That's when I realize the object is alive.

He stretches out his hand for me to take.

"I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" He seems genuinely concerned.

"That was all my fault." I say as I take his soft yet firm hand.

I stand up, and for the first time get a good glimpse of him.

He's tall, well compared to me, probably around 5'8. He has red hair like me, except his eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen. His skin color almost matches mine, like the color of caramel. He stands a little hunched, like he's shy. His smile is perfect, and lights up the room.

I can tell that as I look at him, he's doing the same to me. But his eyes don't seem to be prying.

"I'm-my name is Oliver." He stammers.

"I'm Ross. Well that's my last name but that's what everyone calls me. My first name is Samantha."

Oh my god what is your problem?

We both smile, and I can feel myself blushing as I push my hair behind my ear.

"Are you ok? You took quite a fall."

"Yeah I've been through a lot worse, trust me."

What the hell Samantha.

"I just mean I'm ok."

He laughs lightly.

"So what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I came to get the autopsy report from our M. E. Lanie Parrish. Do you know her?"

"Yeah, actually. I'm kind of interning with her. It's really interesting. And she's super cool."

"I know! She never gets mad at me."

"Why would she get mad at you?"

"I don't know, I've done some pretty stupid things."

He grins, and I do too.

Lanie walks into the hallway and finds us both staring at each other.


She snaps me out of it, and I tear my gaze away, pretending I wasn't even looking at Oliver.

She shakes her head, a smile on her face.

"Lets go."

When she walks away I turn back to Oliver.

"I have to go, but maybe I'll see you around?"

He nods.

"I'd like that."

I walk through the doors into Lanie's room of dead bodies, still in a trance.

I have to tell myself to knock it off and talk to Lanie.

"Hey Lanie I came for the autopsy report."

She raises her eyebrows.

"Ok. Anything else you came for? Or want to tell me about?"

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