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I open my eyes right as Oliver walks in. He hands me a card and a bunch of flowers.

I smile.

"Hey Sam. How are you doing?"

I set the flowers on the table next to me.


He sits down.

"I thought I would bring you some company. I know how boring hospitals can be."

"Yeah they are. How'd you even know I was here?"

"Lanie told me."

He takes a deep breath.

"Samantha, I like you. I mean, I've never felt this way about a girl before. Every time I see you, I get butterflies in my stomach and my heartbeat quickens. Scientifically, that's love right?"

He chuckles and scratches the back of his head.

"I'm not very good at this. But I do know this. Samantha, You are the most beautiful, amazing, kind, girl I've ever met. And yes I know I haven't seen you too many times but I think you are perfect. And- will you go out with me?"

I'm stunned. My eyes widen.

"I-you-you want to go out with me? W-why?"

"You make me happy."

"I guess I will then. Not because I like you or anything, but because I make you happy."

He laughs, and so do I.

"Ok. So let's get to know each other some more. How about we take turns asking each other questions?"

Oh bad idea.

"Ok, but if we don't want to answer we say pass."

"Sounds good. You ask first."

This is hard. I don't know what to ask!

"Um, what's your favorite color?"

"Wow, starting off with a hard one I see. I'd have to say, yellow."

I smile.

"Ok my turn. Where were you born?"

"Well everyone thinks I was born in Sacramento, but I wasn't. I was born in San Diego. What about you?"

"I was born in California too! Except I was born in Napa."

"Oh so you know a lot about wine?"

He chuckles.

"You know that's a common misconception about people from Napa. We really don't know anything. Well, I really don't know anything."

I roll my eyes.

"Ok. How many siblings do you have?"


He scrunches his face.

"You're passing because I asked you how many siblings you have?"

"Yes. Another question."

He looks a little confused, but shakes the face quickly.

"How about... if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?"

"You know, I've actually thought about this. Italy, because I speak Italian and my personality resembles that of an Italian. Then Ireland because I'm short with red hair and freckles. I'd fit in so well."

He shakes his head, a grin on his face.

"Ok. What do you want to be when you grow up. Wait, how old are you?"

"That's two cheater!"

I punch his arm playfully.

"Ouch! Fine I'll answer both. Touchy."


"I'm getting there. Ok, I'm sixteen. And I want to be a forensic chemist."

My jaw drops a little.

"What?" He asks.

"I love that stuff! When I turned thirteen that's what I wanted to do! I was obsessed with it!"

"It's so interesting! I love it!"

"I know!"

I yawn.

"Are you tired? Do you want me to leave?"

"Umm... can I tell you a secret?"


"I have nightmares, and if no one stays with me they get worse. Would you-would you stay with me?"

He looks a little stunned.

"Yeah, yeah ok."

I move over in my bed painfully, and pat the space next to me.

He gets in slowly, making sure he doesn't hurt me.

He lays down, leaving a space in between us which I am grateful for.

"Goodnight Samantha. Sweet dreams."

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