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"Who is it?"

By now I have woken up Espo who sits at the edge of his seat, hands gripping both armrests and his eye twitching like he had too much caffeine. I laugh a little before continuing.

"Back at the group home, someone from the military would come visit us every other month. They would give a presentation about how great it is to be in the military and how after we leave we could go get a job. The dude who gave the presentations was Anthony Richards. I think he gave one a week before Nick was arrested, and that's part of the reason he went into the military."

"Okay, then why'd he try to kill you? He'd met you before."

"I'm not sure. I think Nick needs to answer some of these questions. He knows something, he doesn't doesn't know he knows it."

"Shockingly, that made some sense. Okay, I'll get right on that. One sec."

"Wait, wait. Are you still at the precinct?"


"Why aren't you home it's three in the morning?!"

She hesitates before answering with full force.

"Someone tried to murder my niece and brother, I can't lose you guys! I need to find out who did this so I know you two are safe!"

"Beckett he's dead! No one is going to hurt us anymore."

"He must've had a reason for doing this, an accomplice. They are still out there!"

"Beckett please, go home and go to bed. You can't do anything when you're tired. It'll be better tomorrow after you've gotten rest and slept on this case."

"I can't!"

"You can! And you need to. You have a better chance of finding stuff tomorrow. Do it for me if not yourself."

She hates that, just like I do. She caves with a groan of frustration.
"I can't find anything on this guy! Alright. I'll go home. But young lady why are you still awake? You of all people need your sleep! Did you eat dinner?"

I clear my throat. "Umm...define eating."

"Samantha! I told Espo to make sure you ate!"

"I did!"

"How much?"

"I don't a third I guess."

"A third," she states, as if trying to comprehend.

"I wasn't hungry. Someone just tried to kill me, you think I'd have an appetite?"

"I guess not. I just wish there's something I could do."

"There is. Tomorrow. After you rest."

She sighs. "Alright. I love you. Go to bed, yeah?"

"Okay. I love you too."

After we hang up, Espo gives me a dirty look.

"Can I have my phone back now?"

I chuckle. "Here."

He leans over to take it from me, and groans, grabbing his back.

"My back!" He says, but it comes out as a fierce whisper.

"You old fart!"

"Hey! Who're you calling old Miss Butter Pecan?!"

Suddenly my smile fades, and I become dead serious.

"Don't be dissing on my ice cream now."

He rolls his eyes, but smiles.

"Here Espo." I move over in my bed for him. "You shouldn't be sleeping on a hard chair. C'mon."
I pat the space beside me.

He hesitates before getting up slowly to join me.

He lays carefully to my left, which I am thankful for because I am very sore on my right.

"Are you hurting?" He asks, like he's reading my mind.

"A little. But it'll go away."

I move closer to him, taking comfort in knowing he's near me. He'll keep me safe.

But fear hits me like a bullet.

My hand finds his, and I grasp it tightly.

My voice comes out a whisper. "Espo-"

"I'm right here Chica, and I'm not going anywhere. You're safe, and so are Nick and Ryan."

He leans over and kisses me softly on the cheek. His eyes don't hide the compassion and love he has as my uncle.

He looks up at the dark ceiling and points to the center.

"Look, it's the Big Dipper! And there's the Little Dipper!" He moves his finger across the room as he speaks. "Orion's Belt and Leo."

I smile, and imagine the brightness the stars emit into the night sky. Galileo said, "For I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

"Gemini, Ursa Major..."

I fall asleep to him pointing out constellations that don't exist in my little hospital room, but for a moment, I lose myself in the night sky.

Castle's partnerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن