Kid in a Candy Store

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I hear screaming. My siblings scream as the impact comes, and all I can do is sit in my seat, stunned.

They go silent, and everything goes black.

I can't see, but I sure as hell am not unconscious because the amount of pain I'm in is incredible.

A searing jolt is sent through my body, jagged fire rips my lungs.

I want more than anything for this to be gone, for my heart to stop beating.

I can't move, I can't cry.

I wait, and too slowly the deprivation of air takes over, and I slip into a coma.

The last thing I remember is trying to yell, but all that comes out is a strangled groan.

Then someone grabs my shoulder, and the pain goes away.

I struggle to get away from whatever is holding me.

"Let go!"

"Hey, it's just me! It's just me!"
My eyes fly open, and Castle's voice pulls me back to reality. I am struck with the fact that I was scared of him.

I can tell he knows that too.

He puts his hands up to show he's letting go.

"I'm sorry."

My fear leaves me, and I approach him.

I bury my face in his chest and wrap my arms around his neck.

He embraces me, and the pain of my nightmare disappears.

"Was that about the car accident?"

I nod.

"Why am I so afraid?"

"You've been through more than anyone should in their entire life. I would be afraid too.

"But I'm not afraid of you Castle."

"I know, but you've been in a situation where you thought you could trust but you got hurt instead. Now that possibility is always in the back of your mind."

I sigh.

"I missed you. I'm glad you're ok."

He kisses me on the forehead.

"I love you. How are you feeling?"

"Tired. And this is the first time I've ever said this to you guys but, hungry. I'm hungry."

"Woah. Are you feeling alright? Where's my Samantha and what did you do with her?"

He places a hand to my head, pretending to see if I'm hot.

"Haha, hilarious Castle."

"Hey guys! Guess what Ross just told me!"

The other three walk in.

"What?" They ask in chorus.

"Tell em!"

"Castle since you're so eager why don't you?"

A smile breaks out on his face, and he looks like a kid in a candy store.

"She said she was hungry!"

Their jaws drop.

"Really?" Asks Ryan.

"Don't act so surprised. Aren't you too Ryan? We haven't eaten in like 24 hours. Well for me more like 36."

"Ross! Come on we have to get some food in you. What do you want? You too Ryan." Beckett looks back and forth between the two of us.

"Whatever Samantha wants I'm cool with."

"Don't ask me I don't know!"

"Hey, why don't we all come over to my house. There's plenty there and I'm sure Alexis and my mother will be happy to see the two of you."

"Sounds good." We both say at the same time.

"It's a plan. Let's go now. It's four so dinner should be ready at about five. That's perfect!"

We all go to Castle's loft and when he opens the door Alexis hugs me, and so does Martha. They also hug Ryan.

Oliver shows up behind them, and he hugs me and shakes Ryan's hand. It's a guy thing I guess.

"Come in come in!" Cries Martha.

We follow her inside.

"Oliver, why are you here?"

"Alexis asked me to come. You know it did scare me when you were gone. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for worrying."

He quickly pecks me on the cheek and I blush.


"No one saw!"

"Yeah and I'd like to keep it that way!"

He smiles at me. "C'mon let's ask Castle if he needs any help."

We find Castle in the kitchen.

"Castle do you need any help?"
I ask.

"No I'm ok. You need to rest. Go sit down."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Go sit. Please?"


We make our way to the living room where everyone else is and take a seat on the couch.

I avoid conversation.

Martha sits next to me.

"Oh darling are you ok? You look exhausted!"

"Martha I'm fine."

"Oh I'm so glad you're ok. People need to stop kidnapping you!"

I chuckle a little.

"That would be nice wouldn't it?"

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