
220 12 1

Ross pov

Time is moving so slowly in here, it's been a day and a half and nothing has happened.

"We have to try and get out somehow. Look, my dad taught me how to pick a lock with Bobby pins for research in a book. Do you have any?" Alexis asks.

"I do." Sarah eagerly takes four out of her hair.

Alexis kneels down and puts two in the lock, slowly maneuvering them to try and turn the deadbolt.

After ten minutes, we hear a snap.

"Crap," she mutters under her breath. "Hand me another one."

After another two hours and we're on the last two Bobby pins, I'm losing hope.

I hear another snap, and I bury my face in my hands.

"I got it!" Alexis hisses.

She quietly turns the lock.

"Ok, here's what we do. There has to be a way out of here. Sarah you go one way, and me and Samantha will go the other. One of us will find a way out. The other can tell police where we are, and we all get out."

"I'm not so sure about this," I say.
"We'll be fine. If they catch us, they're not going to hurt us. I promise. Okay? On three. One, two, three."

She pushes the door open, and looks out. She points left.

"Sarah you go left, we'll go right."

They hug, and I take Alexis's hand, we start cautiously running. We stumble upon an open door, and spot a phone on the table. Alexis grabs it desperately and dials 911, but it doesn't go through. Instead she frantically types her password into Skype, and after about five seconds, Castle answers.

"Alexis! Sweetie, are you ok? Where are you?"

"I don't know! I don't know there's boards on the windows. We're okay."

I stand anxiously by the door, keeping watch in case someone comes, but I rock back and forth on my heels.

Suddenly, I see a shadow around the corner.

"There's someone coming!"

"Alexis, take her and get out of there, run! Go!"

She drops the phone and grabs me as she races through the door and down the hall.

We hear footsteps thundering not far behind us, and they seem to be growing closer.

We emerge onto the top of a building, but we both freeze as soon as we see the view.

"Is that, the Eiffel Tower?" Alexis stutters.

And just like that, my fears are confirmed. Hundreds of thoughts race through my head.

But the worst, the NYPD has no jurisdiction here.

Beckett, Ryan and Espo can't do anything.

We're alone.

Two men emerge onto the roof just as Alexis starts yelling for help.

One gets to Alexis before the other gets to me, and I start screaming bloody murder.

I kick and scratch him, and do anything I possibly can because no one, touches my sister.

The second man grabs me.

"Stop," he yells with a Russian accent.

But I don't. I keep fighting. I will not go down without a fight.

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