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He walks in sets me down in my bed.

"Ow. Ow!"


He sits down next to me, and Ryan walks in. He leans against the door frame and crosses his arms.

"Hey bro. What are you doing here?" He asks.

And Espo does something I don't expect.

He walks right up to Ryan and hugs him.

"Thank you for taking care of her."

The look of Ryan's shocked face is priceless as he slowly pats Espo on the back.

They let go, and I smile.

Espo turns to me and smiles before walking out the door and out of the apartment.

"You ok?" Ryan asks.

I nod. I'm in a lot of pain though.
That was not the smartest idea I've ever had.

Just then, someone knocks on the door, and Ryan goes to answer.

I hear Castle's voice, and following his is Alexis.

They slowly grow louder until they are in my room.

"Hey," says Castle. "We have a surprise for you."

Alexis smiles.

Castle picks me up and carries me bridal style to the living room.

"Close your eyes." He says before we turn the corner.

"Castle!" I whine.

He laughs. "Just do it."

"Uggh." Even though I complain I close my eyes.

He sets me down gently in an unfamiliar object, and I open my eyes.

I'm sitting in a wheelchair.

"Do you like it?" Alexis's face is eager.

"Yes, thank you so much. This is really kind of you guys. I can't believe you would do this for me."

They both hug me.

"That's not all. I was kinda hoping you would go to lunch with me. Please?"

She wants to go to lunch with me?

"Ok, sure!"


The restaurant we go to is crowded, people are here on their lunch break.

I've never been here before, but apparently Alexis loves it. The food here is classic American, with everything from burgers and fries to meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

She rolls me in in my wheelchair, and I try to avoid stares.

The shirt I'm wearing is long sleeved, but low cut so you are able to see the bandaged gauze covering the (from what I'm told) purple stitches.

I used some make-up I have to hide the scar Brandon gave me on my throat. It's fairly low, so most of the shirts I wear just barely cover it.

She sits down and doesn't even bother opening a menu.

I however, read each item. Everything is too big.

I finally settle on the kids meal I spot in the corner of the page.

It includes chicken nuggets and fries.

The waitress takes our order, and we get to talking.

We talk about the most random stuff, from the lady on the other side of the restaurant with green hair, to how weird modern fashion is.

The conversation stays light until Alexis asks, "Can you keep a secret?"

Her question throws me off a bit, but I quickly answer.

"Yes, of course."

She leans in closer to me, as if someone is spying on us.

"You know how I'm looking into colleges right?"

I nod.

"Well I got my acceptance letters back. I got in everywhere. But now, I'm thinking about going to Columbia. I mean, it's perfect. I could still see everyone if I wanted, and still work with Lanie. But what if my dad doesn't want me to go there?"

"Alexis, first of all, that is amazing! I knew you would get into everywhere you wanted. And second, your dad will be perfectly fine with you going to Columbia. That means his little girl isn't going across the country. A father is happy when his daughter is happy. If you want to go there, he will fully support you."

She smiles sheepishly and looks at her hands.

"You know, you're smart enough to be going with me."

"Hey, that's what I'm here for."

We both start laughing.

Our food comes, and we eat. I actually eat. I almost finish my dish!

In between bites, we continue talking.

"So. Are there any boys right now?" Alexis teases, and I freeze.

Her eyes widen, and her lips curl into a smile. She starts singing, "Samantha's got a boyfriend, Samantha's got a boyfriend!"

"Alexis!" I feel myself turning red.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Her smile broadens.

"Oliver." I mumble under my breath.

"Awww it's Oliver? That's so cute!"

"Ok, can you not make a big deal about it? Only Lanie knows."

"Why haven't you told the boys, or my dad? You haven't even told Beckett?"

I shrug.

"It's ok to tell me."

"I don't know. I wish my mom was here to help me pick out an outfit for my first date and my siblings could tease me about it. Mostly, I wish my dad was here so Oliver could ask for his permission to date me."

Alexis reaches over and hugs me.

"I'm sorry. I can help you pick out an outfit, but I know it's not the same."

"You know, I might just take you up on that offer because honestly, I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to wear."

She smiles, and I start laughing, which causes her to start laughing too.

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