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Three days later

I'm fully recovered.

I wake up smelling bacon.

I rush to dress, and then out to the kitchen.

"Yaaassss!" I say loudly.

Ryan and Jenny both stop what they are doing and look at me.

"What? I like bacon alright? Don't judge me."

They laugh, and Jenny puts some on a plate for me.

I eat it all.

"Are you still taking your medicine from the hospital?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah why?"

"It's making you a little loopy that's all."

"I am not being loopy."

"You have been for the past three days," Jenny agrees.

"Awww!" I whine. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's funny." Jenny laughs.

Ryan's phone rings, and he answers.

"Body, let's go." He says to me.

We walk up to the crime scene, and everyone is already here.

"Olivia?" Asks Ryan.

"No. Samantha Olivia Ross, really?"

He shrugs. "You've said that about every name I've guessed in the last few days."

"Cuz they've all been-oooh body!"

I attract the attention of the rest of the team.

I grab Ryan's sleeve and drag him towards the it.

"Now whodunit?" I ask in a low voice.

Lanie looks at me, then at Ryan.

"What's up with her?" Lanie asks, nodding in my direction.

"I think it's the medicine they put her on."

"How much is she taking?"

"Two ten milligram pills a day."

"Put her on one a day instead and see if it changes anything."

"Alright, thank you."

Beckett crosses her arms over her chest. "I don't know, I kinda like her like this."

I see Oliver and run up to him.

"Hey beautiful, you feeling okay?"

He pulls me in for a kiss.

It grounds me a little, and I feel the loopiness go away some.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good."

"Do we know who this guy is?"

"Gerald Scott." Lanie interjects.

"Gerald Scott? As in known partner of Jack Macintosh? Who works for Tyson?" Asks Beckett.

Immediately my head jerks up.

"Known associate of Tyson?"

Beckett nods solemnly.

"Wait, Jack Macintosh? What does he look like?" Asks Castle.

"I'll show you a picture back at the precinct. Lanie what's the COD?"

"Hit by a car."

"Obviously, but which injury did him in?"

"I can't pinpoint it but I think he had a punctured lung from a broken rib."

"Alright let's get back and see what we can find."

I rearrange the pictures on the murder board, putting the picture of me in the bottom corner.

Yes, sadly I'm connected.

"Hey can we talk in the break room?" Castle says quietly to Beckett, Ryan, and Espo.

The follow him, and though he thinks he's quiet enough, he's not.

"I don't think she should be on this case. He could come after her and she needs to be protected."

"Castle, she's fine." Says Beckett.

"No, she's not! Please Beckett, I can feel it, something is going to go wrong."

She sighs loudly. "Fine, she's not allowed to do anything for this case outside the precinct, better?"

She walks out, followed by the rest of the team.

"I have a theory," says Ryan. "What if Scott found out what Macintosh was doing, like what they did to Ross, and didn't like it so threatened to back out, then when Macintosh realized he was going to go to the police, he killed him instead."

"Okay but what does that have to do with Samantha?"

"Beckett you said it yourself, there are no coincidences at crime scenes. It's been like two weeks since her and Ryan were take by Tyson. Maybe he had help from Macintosh, and somehow Scott found out." Says Espo.

"Alright get a tap on Macintosh' s phone and get copies of his financials. I want to know who he's called and who he's in contact with."

"I don't think it was Macintosh." Says Castle. "We should focus on someone else."

"Castle when you become a homicide detective you can call the shots. Espo get his phone records, Castle and I will get financials and Ryan talk to family and friends."

Espo slides over to his desk.

A few minutes later he says, "this can't be right."

"What?" Asks Beckett.

"These phone records, there have been over seven calls to Castle's number."

"From Macintosh?"

"Yeah, they start back a few days after Ross was kidnapped. I put a tap on his phone so if he contacts anyone we'll know but, I can't explain the Castle thing."

"Castle get your butt over here!"

He looks worried as he shuffles over.

"Wait Macintosh is calling someone! Listen!"

And Castle's phone rings.

He picks up shakily.


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