First Date

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My breath catches in my throat.

"Oh my God," I mutter.

Ryan opens the door, and I can hear him and Oliver talking.

Jenny finds her way to my room where I am frozen to my spot.

"Oliver's here." She says in a sweet voice.

I don't move. Why am I all of a sudden so nervous?

"Samantha, what's wrong?"

"I'm scared." I say like a little kid.

"Honey, you have nothing to be scared of. You are amazing! And Oliver is a nice boy. I trust he won't let anything happen to you. You look beautiful." She runs her fingers through my ponytail.

I hug her. "I love you Jenny."

"I love you too. You don't say that very often."

"I know. But it's always true. I don't always show it but I love you so much."

She gives me one last squeeze before pulling away.

"C'mon, you have a date."

She walks out before me, and I inhale and exhale before moving slowly towards the living room.

As I turn the corner, Oliver spots me and cracks a wide smile.

"Hi," I say breathlessly.

"Hi. You look beautiful." He says.

"Thanks. You look good too."

He wears a simple t-shirt under a jacket and a pair of jeans but he pulls it off well.

He takes my hand, and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Wait let me get a picture before you go."


He pulls out his phone and takes a few before putting ut away again.

"Oliver have her home by midnight ok?"

"Yes Sir. Both of you have a good night."

"Have fun!" Jenny says.

When we finally get in the hallway by ourselves I ask where we are going.

"You'll see. Just trust me."

We start walking, and it's still bright outside.

It doesn't take long before we end up in front of El Palmar.

I smile. "How'd you know?"

He shrugs. "A little birdy told me. Well not really little but you get the point."

We find seats inside and soon waiters come to take our order.

I suddenly get the feeling that someone is watching me but when. I look around no one seems to be watching me so I shrug it off.

I order in Spanish because they all speak it and it's easy for both of us. Then Oliver orders in English.

When our waiter saunters away Oliver gives me a funny look.

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish."

"Oh. I thought I told you. Guess not. Oliver I speak Spanish. And Italian."

"Wow. I scored man I got a girlfriend who's smart and good-looking. Nice."

We make small talk for a few minutes until our food comes.

"I was also told I need to make sure you eat. better eat."

"Don't worry. I will."

We eat in comfortable silence for a while.

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