★Not So Happy Halloween - TommyInnit

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Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.

CW - flashbacks, self harm, talks of attempted suicide and overdose, fainting

Channel(s) - Tubbo, Tommy, Aimsey, Ranboo, Badlinu, Billzo (minor characters mention for those who's boundaries I'm not 100% sure of)

Based off of Tubbo's Halloween stream. 24/10/21


Badlinu's pov

I smile, laughing along with everyone else as we do a little pod cast segment for the stream as Tubbo and Aimsey set up for the next bit.

Billzo moves on to ask some more questions before the queen is brought up. He makes a small joke, hinting at his thought of the queen being on her road to death causing Tommy to react dramatically as a part of cc!Tommy's thing is to be in love with the queen.

It shocks us all when he suddenly slams his head down against the table. The sudden bang causing a few of us to flinch back as items in the table literally move.

I move quickly, remembering all the times I'd sit with Tommy when he were harming. He never went with cutting or scratching but instead, he bangs his body parts. He says it's easy to pass of as an accident so it was easy to hide.

I pull his head back, slipping my arm underneath to stop him from hurting his head. Yes it injured my arm and it'll definitely be bruised by tomorrow but it saves Tommy the bad head pain.

Tommy breathing hitches, pausing for a moment before it picks up its pace. I laugh nervously, running my fingers through his hair as I look to Tubbo.

"I'll get some water for him" Tubbo says and I nod, slowly threading my fingers through his hair.

Tommy stiffens, not moving an inch as his pupils roll behind closed lids. Panicked and laboured breaths escaping through his noise.

"Okay Tommy.. you're okay.. you're safe.." I say softly, pushing the mic away and Billzo angles his away so we can't be picked up.

"Here.. for when he comes out of it" Tubbo says softly as he places a mug of water on the table and I nod slowly.

"How long do his flashbacks last?" Ranboo asks softly and I sigh softly, hoping Tommy is using on his grounding techniques like we practiced.

"Couple minutes.. three or four at most" I say softly, sitting with him the entire way through the flashback. I don't know what's triggered it but it's probably something to do with him trying to hurt himself for the bit on stream.

"So, what do we do?" Ranboo asks, anxiously tapping his foot.

"Nothing.. we wait, I normally talk softly to him because it helps him ground himself again" I say softly and he nods, waiting and watching as I just comfort Tommy until he slowly comes back from what ever hellish flashback he got trapped in.

I let him get a feel for the room again, just letting his hazy brain catch back up and calm down from the horrors he's just been through.

"You alright..?" I ask softly, nudging the water in his direction.

"Yeah.. just.. fuck.. that night.." Tommy mumbles out an I nod slowly.

"We can talk about it.. if you want.. we don't have to if you're uncomfortable" I say softly and Tommy shrugs.

"I-I.. remember the call.. and the splitting pain.. and.. the pills.. getting sicks, all my obvious symptoms of an attempted overdose that I put you through that night" Tommy says shakily and I nod as I rub his back.

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