EBF 34..

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Hi!!!!! Guys... how are you all doing. I know I am tooooooooo late but there is a good reason behind it. I was writing the story but it didn't seem to be going anywhere. So I have unpublished previous two parts and come up with a new plot. I hope you guys like and maybe enjoy this story like you usually do.

Any advice or suggestions are more then welcome...

Feel free to comment and rant... but please do comment...

Enjoy reading guys...

I hope you like it...

EBF 34

It was a peaceful morning in Amritsar. In a corner of India sharing, it's border with Pakistan is a peaceful heaven, the guru nagri (City of Guru). This city might be small but it's beautiful in more than a million ways. Its very well known that Kashmir is the paradise on earth, but the feeling of tranquility felt in Golden Temple is like nothing you could have ever felt. As if all the questions and inner hustles just evaporate and the twenty-four seven running Gurbani fills your heart and mind making it surrender to the God. The sarovars jal, is known for being a healer. Its like God resides there. 

The Oberoi's reached Amritsar around mid-day. The cold was at its peak. All the clothes they had bought seemed insufficient, making them wear a few layers of clothes. Being from Mumbai the cold seemed unbearable to most of them. But to Sukanya it was a sweet reminder of home as if she was back in Dehradun, her heart melted at the thought of home. It was always going to be her safe haven.

'What's on your mind?' Manik asked her rubbing his hands together frantically to warm them up.

'Nothing... this place is beautiful.'

'Ahh... it's too cold.'

'Manik come on. Dehradun has been colder. I am quite warm right now.' She said curling up in her jacket.

'Why don't you warm me up to then.' Manik asks slyly.

Sukanya looks at him in shock and slaps his arm, 'Shut up you idiot.'

Manik chuckles. 'Not fair. I will help you warm up any time. Any way you like it.' He says with double meaning acting all innocent.

'Here give me your hand. But for god's sake stop it with your double meaning pick up lines.' She says taking his hands in her. Manik's hands were chilled while Sukanya's hands were all warmed up in her mittens, her finger tips touched his hands sending a shiver down her spine. She smiled. He is the kindest person she has ever known. She removes her mittens and offers it to him.

'That's alright.' He replies shyly.

'Come on wear them your hands are chilled.' He obliges. Sukanya takes his hand and entangling it with her places their hands in her pocket. 'Just don't fall sick. Or this trip will suck.'

'I won't. I promise.' Sukanya smiles. It was nice to be around people who care and love you as much as you do. It is always good.

'We have reached.' The drivers Punjabi was translated by dadi herself.

'This place is huge.' Amanat looks in complete disbelief, making all the kids remove their headphones and look at the beautiful haveli on the outskirts of the city.

Atharv smiles and clicks a picture of the place. He loved collecting the memories. It just made everything so rememberable, like a picture will take you right back into that moment. In few seconds, someone shouted in the house and then came out a platoon of people to welcome them. Punjabis have a heart of gold and as big as the universe itself and their hospitality would always be remarkable. But the enthusiasm portrayed by all of them was something that nobody expected. Everybody was greeted with smiles, laughter and hugs. Then they were all invited inside and dadi took turns to introduce her entire family. Followed by her elder brother more famously known by everyone as 'daar ji', introducing them to their side of the family.

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