PART 28... SSO & DOLL...

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Special dedication to my comment buddy amoremarine Love you didu and glad to see u here. 😙😘

@PART 28...


Days turned into week and week into months but it was no sooner that the Four  Angry birds reduced their temper, right the four angry birds... Atharv, Sukanya, Samantha and Mrs. Jenny and the biggest hand to make the four of them to pacify was of Maria and Manik they had helped Shivaay all the time. Initially, Manik was damn angry with Shivaay but after knowing that he has already had a sessions of ranting by Atharv, Sukanya and Samantha he had let Shivaay go off freely and rather helped him. As the time passed Sukanya and Shivaay came even closer and use to talk to each other regularly. For Shivaay, Sukanya had become his reason to smile, his pain killer. According to him she is a much sorted out person who is simple, fun loving, possessive and caring, a girl with zero worries.


Well the girl was, is and will always be a hard nut to crack until the next fortnight when she really needed someone but had none to pour her heart out or you can say she needed someone who shouldn't judge her or practically be not affected by her breakdown. That was the night when she had decided to talk to Shivaay about her pain, well not decided but it happened due to heat of the moment.

Tring.... Tring.... Tring....

Shivaay picking up the phone: Hi doll.
Suk: Hye handsome.
Shivaay smiles but the lowness in her voice makes him feel awkward: What happened to my doll? Why does she seems so low?
Suk rubbing off her tears and trying to get her chirpy tone back: Nothing handsome, you are just over thinking. So did you reach home or you want to have another session of rants from bhai.
Shivaay: Chill I am home and in mood to hear your irritating brother.
He chuckles.
Suk: Don't worry he won't irritate you.
Shivaay gets shocked with her answer as he expected her to show her possessive sisterly side this makes him doubt further.
Shivaay: Oh so what are you doing.
Suk: Nothing much just sitting and talking to you.
Shivaay being a little serious: Doll do you want to share something.
Suk controlling her tears: No handsome not at all.
Shivaay: Doll, Baccha is mumma alright. Any problem.
Suk finally tears up but manages to control herself: I am fine handsome.

But then she bursts into fits of tears scaring the life out of Shivaay. She puts the phone down trying not to show her emotions to him but she badly fails after all she was just a kid of 11 how long can she carry the burden of emotions on her heart.

Shivaay: DOLL... DOLL... Listen... listen to me doll.
Suk sniffs making sure that she is listening.
Shivaay: Doll, speak up what you want to, say your problem to me doll. Say it Baccha.

Suk while crying: Papa.

Shivaay gets shocked hearing the word from her mouth but somewhere down in an isolated part of his heart a beautiful flower blossoms. As if for a while only the word from her mouth had given a new life to him where only optimism and light were part of that world while darkness and pain had no connection for miles.

I want my papa...

Completes Suk shocking Shivaay as he didn't know much about her family.

Shivaay: Papa? Where is your papa Baccha?
Suk: I don't know but I want him. I want him. You know what???
Shivaay ensuring her that he is listening : What.
Suk: Today mumma went to doctor from past few days her stomach was aching a lot. Doctor said that she has to undergo an operation due to stones in her kidney and fibroids. (she sniffs so that she can continue). But mumma is adamant on not doing that as she will have to take over a months rest and that will be a problem to her company and I will also be alone. Please handsome ask papa to come here we really need him now. Please ask him to come to us. Please.

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