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Hye peeps how are you guys doing???
Right now my phone is acting a little crazy and before I loose this update I thought I should post it. Thank you for all the comments in previous update and honestly I hate the fact it take emotional blackmail to get you guys to comment so please support the story if you like it and if you have anything else to say you are more then welcome.

The update is kinda little short because of my problem with my phone and owing to this Saturday & Sunday curfew I can't get it checked too but I will try updating next part as soon as I can. So please support the story....

Thank you so much....


Anika kept walking from one corner to another praying to God for Sukanya. Her heart has been in unrest ever since she heard about her arrest. Every single second being in these walls and being unable to do anything is driving her crazy. She wanted to rush and be by Sukanya's side but Nitya stopped her from going anywhere especially in front of reporters. She somehow tried to convince herself but as the time passes her mind is building scenarios she shouldn't but how can she help letting all the bad thoughts slip into her head. Her daughter is behind the bars and god knows what she is going through. As if life is coming in circles all together. Every time she tries thinking positive a thought crossed the back of her mind with worst scenario possible. Her heart is sinking every single second. She just wants to see Sukanya being fine and out of prison. Life has already been enough unfair to them as if there is any more room for more but somehow life always finds a way. Ever since Daksh kidnapped Sukanya, it was way difficult for her to come out of the trauma. She wasn't gullible or stupid just fed up with life and all that led her to be with people who hurt her even more.

"They are here." Gauri's words startle everyone and all of them turn towards the door where Sukanya is engulfed in Shivaay's embrace and one of his hand is pressing a handkerchief on her forehead.

"Sukanya...." Atharv and Anika rush to her.

"Papa what happened to her." Atharv is the one to ask.

"Someone hit her with a stone, her forehead has been bleeding."

"Let me see." Atharv removes the handkerchief as Sukanya sits on a couch.

"Ssssssssss....." Sukanya hisses in pain. "Bhai..."

"Shhh.... it's okay. It's a contusion."

"Will she need stitches?" Samira asks pressing her lips in a thin layer.

Atharv nods in disagreement, "No. Not really. Just a bandage will do. I will clean it up."

"Atharv but blood...." Shivaay says pointing at the blood on her forehead.

"It's alright, dad."

"Bhai it's paining alot." Sukanya says cringing.

Atharv looks at his sister as his heart writhes with pain, "Hye doll... why don't you hold me tight and I promise it won't hurt." Sukanya nods and hugs his waist tightly while her head is extended upwards. Atharv cleans her contusion very carefully and lightly as he blows on her forehead to avoid burning.

"Atharv, doctor is here." On says pressing Atharv's shoulder who nods and sadly steps away letting the doctor to check.

"Doctor it's a contusion. She was hit by a stone. She might not need stitches." Atharv says trying to keep it as short as possible and doctor nods in agreement.

ENTWINED BY FAITH SEASON 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now