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Well it's a very valid question. I think some of you too would have such questions in your head. So here is the reply.

Honestly, I was out of ideas and out of plot for the previous season that was the reason I didn't update for this long. I wasn't sure where the story was going anymore. I tried to write off the previous plot but I failed miserably so I left for a while and thought about what can happen ahead. I kept on thinking for a long while and didn't come up with anything. Then I was done making you people wait as a lot of you kept asking for update over and over again which made me feel miserable so I thought that a new start would be good. I had no idea honestly, no idea at all. But still i gave a shot to the plot. And then my mind worked around a story which technically isn't an idea but a dream that I had a week back. Seriously, it's a dream. No kidding about it. You might be astonished how the story continues but seriously it's a dream and my entire plot is knitted around it. Today morning I thought about it through out my shower and it sounded great in my head so I hope I write that way and you guys might like it.

Talking about Shivika's plot. It's not the end but not even completely about them anymore. This story isn't just a fanfiction it has some more interesting genres which I am not sure you guys will like or not but I will try my best. And writing about Shivaay, Anika, Om, Gauri, Rudra and Bhavya is my favourite job so don't worry they shall always be the part of story after all they are family and I will never exclude them. Even though the story might not revolve around them.

I hope you understand my situation and respect my decision.

Thank you for your enormous support and love. Shivika_narbhi



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Don't worry guys nobody is being removed everyone will be the part of the cast. Just some additions have been made and a new plot is introduced but everything will be same especially the characters.

sidish10 please don't worry so much about the cast nothing much will change.



Zurixhxx_ Not a problem dear. Their friendship will be constant. The upcoming story is more about the friends we make as we move ahead in life some are left behind and some are the new ones, while some are friends for lifetime who stand by you even in your worse. You will be able to relate to the story more and more if you have ever experienced ups and downs in friendship. It's a new start but not the end of previous one. So relax and read. Friendships will stay.


That's a sure thing dear. No worries.

Guys I will try my best to not disappoint anyone of you. Just read along the way and with it you will realise a lot of things. It sure as hell won't be a very very happy ride but I will try my best to keep you guys glued. As always suggestions are more then welcomed. Please feel free to say or ask anything. Regarding the choice of Sukanya's character there is quite a hotch potch. I agree Helly Shah isn't young enough but I couldn't find a better character to fit in the role. If any suggestions I am open to them but till then please accept her because she has got that grace, versatility and energy required for the character of Sukanya.

Please keep commenting, voting and forwarding the story to your friends.

Honestly the only way I will keep writing the story is if you guys comment and vote generously otherwise I won't hesitate in ending the story. It takes a lot of me and my time to pen down the right words and plot so I don't want it to go in waste. Consider it as a request or a warning. The way you like but please I don't want to put forward targets and all so please cooperate with me.

Thank you guys.....

I will update this page if there are any more questions otherwise I will delete it after a few days likewise with the previous part.

Keep smiling
Take care
God bless you all....

Signing off
Shivika Kapoor....

ENTWINED BY FAITH SEASON 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now