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Well let's just say Sukanya is a bit wrong in her contexts but on contrary I feel sometimes we all drift apart from our family maybe we become to ambitious or driven by our careers or sometimes our life goes in loop of problems and we go day in day out without realizing what we are doing and finally a day comes when everything that we have been running behind just doesn't matter anymore. Life takes a swirl. Swshhhhh...... and everything just isn't same anymore.

Well if you evaluate your own lives somewhere or other you will might as well realise that stuff like this happens to I guess most of us. We meet new people and loose touch with people whom we thought we would be with forever. How many thing do we actually tell our parents? Especially, when it comes to discussing about sex and sex related information. So many people go against their family's will to get into a relationship. No judgements here it's your choice I am just explaining overall that things happen that drift us away from our family too. We all have lied to others at one point of our life's. So that's mostly the justification on Sukanya's behavior. I hope you guys get it now.


"Wow.... as if one dead body wasn't enough we have two now." Reenee says mockingly out tension.

"We are doomed." Atharv replies.

"Oh... hell yeah we are."

"On that thought. Did you break into Dr. Mittal's cabin?" Reenee looks at him innocently. "Just let me see the forensics." Atharv says knowing it's pointless to argue moreover he needs her help and even the files.

"Just a sec." Saying that Reenee picks up her laptop and entering her password she opens the file. "Here you go."

"COD is asphyxiation, I am guessing due to the tree that fell on her. No ligature marks or signs of blitz attack. Ribs cracked and crushed with part of it in the lungs.

"Look there Atharv they found traces of alkyl benzene and naphthalene. What could they be?"

"Anything Reenee those are not that rare compounds. It is mostly found in petroleum compounds or moth balls. But it is flammable, sensitizer and a possible carcinogen. It's dust can form  form explosive mixtures with air..... wait...."


"Petroleum that's it. Alkylbenzene and naphthalene are most commonly found together in diesel. You see when petroleum undergoes fil....."

"Hye... hye... hye.... cut me a slack dude. I get you don't go on lecture. The point is what would petroleum be doing on her body. You just can't carry around diesel like that." Reenee points out.

"You are right. But someone willing to commit suicide would."

"Believe me kerosene oil would be more easily available. You just can't get diesel like that. It's not like she wanted to commit suicide lavishly that's why she choose the garden and then an extravagant oil to kill her own self. She could have just put sanitizer on her body it too is inflammable and she could have burnt to death. Easy peasy.... why take risk of being seen with a canister of oil." As Reenee babbles her facts Atharv's mind works through and through it.

"Right. Why take that risk?" Reenee taps her temporal with her index finger showing she said the intelligent thing but Atharv continues, "Why take the risk? Why take the risk?" Atharv emphasizes the words as he tries to find an answer to the question, "Only if it wasn't a risk."

"How come?" Reenee scrutinizes him skeptically.

"Diesel was found near the garden itself."

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