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@PART 25...



Suk: Mani where are we going?

Manik: Mall.

Suk making faces: Why?

Manik: Because we are free.

Suk: Then why mall only.

Manik: Suk stop irritating me we aren't going for shopping so chill.

Manik finally gives his word while Suk sighs in relief and Atharv and Samantha chuckle. While for rest of the way to mall four of them keep chit chatting. After quite a while all of them reach the mall and step in the gaming zone next three to four hours they keep playing there itself.

Manik: Guys let's go and eat I am hell hungry.

Atharv: Okay.

Suk: Guys you all carry on I need to use the washroom.

They nod while Suk leaves.

After ten minutes of wait at food court when Suk doesn't returns three of them get worried and go to search her as she isn't even picking up her phone. Reaching nearly half way long they find Suk being surrounded by the same kids who had messed with them the day before. As this part of mall away from the rest and under construction so it was quite dark and silent. Three of them go and stand with Sukanya.

Boy1: Look here comes her small army.

Rest of the boys from his group laugh at his comment.

Manik: Let's go Sukanya.

Sukanya nods and four of them begin to walk.

Boy1: Hye cowards you are scared crows.

Samantha: Shut your mouth Mr. We all have had enough of you and if you don't want me to complaint against you to school authorities then stitch your mouth.

Boys acting scared: Oh god we got scared.

And then they laugh at them.

Atharv: Look we don't want any mess so we are leaving it will better for you too.

Boy2: Why are you kids scared?

Manik: Fine we are. Happy now.

Let's go guys.

Everybody knocks and walks of but the the boys don't budge that easily and for their fun purpose they aim a sharp edge spinner towards them put Atharv catches it before it hits Sukanya. This scares Suk, Manik and Samantha.

Sukanya: What the hell Atharv. What was the need to hold that spinner.

Atharv pressing his hand: That was going to hit you.

Sukanya while wrapping a handkerchief around his hand: So what it would have hit me only. Now see your hand is bleeding.

Sukanya says loosing all her cool and while panicking.

Samantha: Relax Sukanya, I think we should take him to the medical room before he gets infected.

Sukanya nods: Manik let's go.

But on getting ne response from Manik Sukanya, Atharv and Samantha look here and there only to find him hitting those boys.

Atharv: Oh shit.

Sukanya and Samantha go towards him and pull him away from the boys.

Sukanya: Leave them Manik they aren't worth this even.

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