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DISCLAIMER ALERT : Involves use of adult words and abuses. Please read only if you are comfortable with it.


Stupid enough to dig their own graves.....

"As Alan Watt once said that wanting positive experiences is a negative experience in itself and the acceptance of negative experience is a positive experience.

My optimism drove me to the abyss and threw me down. It just happened that before I could realise, I was at the bottom of the chasm. But that day I fell off from the top."

Sukanya said with absolutely no remorse yet no delight just senseless relief that it was over. Was it? Who knew? It never really gets over. Right?

"The next morning when I came to university I halted in the way to my department as I found Aakaanksha pretty angry and quite out of her mind arguing with Raghbir over some stuff while besides her Parinaaz stod with the same emotion reflecting on her face as Aakaanksha's where as Shubhangi was as usually concentrating on the screen of her phone every now and then looking up darting glares towards Raghbir and a guy standing by him. I knew that guy to be from my class but I didn't know his name. I could have walked away very easily I owed them nothing at all but something with in me didn't allow me to. I stood there worried unknown to the problem when I saw Aakaanksha wipe a tear off her eyes. Ignoring my gut feeling I walked upto the group.

"Guy.... What's up?" I asked not out of curiosity but out of worry and I am pretty sure about it because I really didn't care if they even chose not to tell me but that's not what happened. They included me. Parinaaz dragged me away from the group as she started narrating the story.

"Sukanya it's pretty messed up. You remember yesterday when we went with Raghbir (I nodded gently). He took some pictures with us we asked him not to upload them anywhere even if he has taken them but they were passed on by him to his friends. That's pretty disgusting. You know our classmate Abhay Mehra (I looked at her confused.) Oh my God.... are you an alien or what?"

"Come on I can't remember everyone at once."

"Fine fine whatever he is from Delhi. He called Aakaanksha around 2 in the morning, he was pretty drunk I guess he likes Aakaanksha alot. He kept blabbering about Raghbir and even asked her to not be with him he isn't a nice guy. Aakaanksha has known him for a while and now Raghbir is saying he didn't pass in photographs but Abhay has sent a screenshot of the same picture to us. Aakaanksha is very angry and upset."

I looked at her as she explained the situation. It was pretty stupid to be honest. Come on they barely knew Raghbir and without another thought hopped into his car and then got pictures clicked with him and even trusted him with those pictures. Of course the chaos didn't end their."

Sukanya looked at Adhiraj and smirked who sat wearing his taut suit and stern appearance right opposite her.

Clearing his throat Adhiraj questioned, "Did you trust Raghbir?"

Sukanya chuckled sardonically, "Come on Adhiraj you know me better then this. My entire life how much ever I might try to trust people I couldn't till my gut feeling didn't allow me too. The moment I didn't hop into his vehicle I pretty much guess you knew I won't trust him."

Adhiraj smiles slyly. "Continue."

"Do you know the more I have got to know people in the past years the more I have realised how stupid they are. Giving in to their pity urges, doing stuff that's not even worthwhile. Humans are stupid. Stupid enough to dig their own graves. The next thing I know was all of them were arguing and hurling accusations.

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