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Hi guys....

So as you all know I do insanely crazy stuff when Shawn Mendes released songs.... he just released the complete album and because I ought to do something....

Here is an entire update....

I wasn't supposed to post till Sunday but but but..... I am high on songs today..... So doing some sharing of joy with you guys....

Give me a hoot Mendes Army....

Insanity has been supported and motivated by Smili31.....

"There is no such thing as part freedom."

Nelson Mandela.



"All rise." The court hearing begins the very next day.

"Ms. Menon you may begin."  Judge Shrishti Pathak commences the hearing.

"Yesterday night in a raid ACP Vidyuth Rana arrested Parinaaz Mehta the first said victim of the series of homicides blamed on Sukanya Singh Oberoi. I would like to call Ms. Parinaaz Mehta in the wetness box." A wave of shock ran through every face in the courtroom and murmurs turned into loud gossips making the court noisier than appreciated..

"Silence everyone." Judge Ms. Pathak strikes her gavel, then turning to Nitya she asks in order to be sure of what she heard. "Ms. Menon, are we talking here about the victim of murder."

"Yes, your honour the said victim is not dead and I will like to call her to shed some light on the events."

"Permission granted."

Parinaaz is brought into the courtroom by two female police constables.

"Please state your name and credentials for the record of the court."

"I am Parinaaz Mehta, age 22 years."

"Did you know Ms. Mehta a trial in this court has been going on for over a month  for commiting of your homicide."

Parinaaz gulps as she has nothing to say.

"Your silence is not appreciated in the court Ms. Mehta please speak up."

"Yes."  She says in a low voice.

"Why didn't you come out and tell the world that you are not dead?"

"I wanted to stay hidden..."

"Hidden? Do you know it's a crime to hide yourself and let the court conduct the trial of your murder case?"

Parinaaz nods.

"Well, alright then. Now will you please tell us what happened on the night of ZEPHYR ."

"I went to talk to Sukanya, she looked so pretty that I couldn't stop myself and I kissed her forcefully but she pushed me away and said stuff. I got so angry I just couldn't control my anger. Before her I had met Raghbir and he too didn't want me. I became so upset, so sad. I took the canister that Sukanya used, I wanted to take my life and blame it on Sukanya and Raghbir, they weren't mine now so I couldn't have let them be of anyone else. They were mine. I had dreamt day and night of having them by my side, our bodies rubbing together.. that heat between us. ssssss...... that pure lust."

ENTWINED BY FAITH SEASON 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now