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"It's a pleasure to meet your team. From now on your safety is my priority unfortunately this place offers no comfort which means you will have to follow the same rules as the rest of us. I hope your stay here is safe and worthy. I will be your commanding officer as long as you are in South Sudan.

I am Captain Kastuki Agnihotri."

Atharv couldn't believe that she was the same girl he met five years ago. She had completely transformed. She looked stoic and well-built, her military uniform hugged her body, making her curves stand out, and her voice though commanding had strength and kindness both. Every soldier in the troop was looking at her waiting for her command. In Atharv's eyes, she seemed like the strongest woman, someone who could move mountains and oceans and rearrange the world.

"Let's have lunch. There we can get to know each other and after that, Lieutenant Zaid Khan will show you around the barracks and acquaint you with our rules.

Everybody was having their lunch when Kastuki excused herself and Atharv went right behind her.

"You might not remember me. But it's..."

Kastuki turns around to face him, "I remember you just fine Dr. Atharv Singh Oberoi."

"Oh!!! Umm... I thought you didn't recognize me, so I just came to say hi."

"This is my place of work, Dr.... I prefer to keep my personal and professional life separate. I hope you will do the same." She turns to leave but halts listening to Atharv.

"Are you mad at me about something?"

Kastuki looks at her feet and takes a deep breath, turning to him continues, "I am not sure what gives you that idea but rest assured Dr. I have no such or any kind other ideas regarding you."

"Kastuki wait..."

Kastuki raises her voice a few pitches too high, "It's Captain Kastuki Agnihotri for you, Doctor."

"Either I am delusional or you are seriously mad at me."

"Dr. I believe you have a lot of work to do tomorrow why don't you go and rest today."

"Captain..." One of the members of her troop interrupted their conversation. "I am sorry but this is important."

"Doctor." She excuses herself without another word and follows the soldier. "What is it, Vanya?"

"Ma'am there has been a sighting near Adol, word around the corner is that he is from Iraq. Locals have given some vague descriptions but something stands out."

"What?" She asks entering the control room.

"This." Vanya shows her a piece of paper, "One of Mudaris (teacher) Muhammad's students from the mosque saw him wearing it and drew this picture. Previously, this was spotted only once and that was on..."

Kastuki who was analysing the image deeply says, "Kafeel Ansari."

"Yes, Captain and he has been suspected of disrupting the Sudan People's Liberation Movement Organization earlier."

"Find out whether there are any peace movements scheduled in the next month and put Kafeel under watch. I want to know everything about him, starting with verifying his identity. Keep rotating people so he doesn't doubt being seen. We can't just arrest based on speculations we need proof and cause both. Put Adol and areas around it under high alert. Stay in touch with locals and find out if they notice any unusual activities around him. See if he has had any visitors."

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