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Hye peeps... how are you guys doing?

Happy Gandhi Jayanti to all of you & Happy Birthday to Lal Bahadur Shastri ji.... May teaching of Mahatma Gandhi and Shastri ji guide you to make best of decisions in your life.

Two legends in Indian History....


Well I am very happy today that's why you guys are getting an update from me. If you are guessing what is making me so happy the reason is that Shawn Mendes finally released a single from his new album and I am all goosebumps since then...


The day wasn’t very refreshing in the Oberoi’s mansion, events of the day before were still haunting all of them. Their minds were enveloped in confusion and chaos while their hearts were filled with complexity of pain, eagerness and anxiety. Every single day since few weeks has brought in a new but dishevelling news with it. So far the way life has turned has proved to be completely out of their control and messy. For some reason in a complete opposite way then the most Oberoi’s like it, especially Tej Singh Oberoi. He enters to see everyone reading some sort of files that didn’t seem to relate to the Oberoi’s empire and the photographs and charts on the boards proved his point very much to him raising his temper a notch too higher.
“Well done... here my company is drowning and all you people have got to do is shit like this.” He spit fire across the room as he said those words and yes that did burn a lot.
“Just because you have a habit of being insensitive doesn’t mean you drag your useless opinion in everything, Mr. Oberoi.” Omkara says without looking away from his file pretty nonchalantly.
“Don’t you dear talk to me like that Om.” Tej continues to grow in his rage.
“Why? You are my father! I know that. Anything else.” Om looks up and waving his hands questioningly asks startling everyone. “I am done with you. Okay and we honestly have no time.”
“I too am not interested in your tantrum games but unlike you I have got some damn real problems. My company is falling apart and all because of this girl.” Tej says pointing at Sukanaya.
“That girl is your granddaughter.” Jhanvi says with rage taking over her as her husband’s lucid thoughts were getting over her nerves way too much. “What’s wrong with you, Tej?”
“Don’t ask what’s wrong with me because I am completely in my senses but as far as rest of you are concerned you all are living in a delusional world. Yesterday Shivaay left mid way in the board meeting and my two sons as usually followed him like a puppet. Do you have any idea how insulting it was and how much effort it took out of me to explain everything to board members and our investors, they were all ready to pull out everything they had invested in the company. All because of their stupidity.” Tej raged in his high ended ego.
“I know we can not expect anything out of you better then this but for god’s sake stop it and leave.” Om says accusingly.
This time before Tej could say anything Shivaay interrupts Om, “Om, please stop it.”
Om closes his eyes in anger but agrees to his elder brother to which Tej comments mocking darkly, “Like always....”
“Badepapa I am sorry for leaving like that yesterday. I promise you I will solve all the problems and whatever loss the company has to face, I will recover it.”
“Oh!!!! You know what you better do that. It took me an entire lifetime to build an empire and I am not going to let it go to ruins because of you daughter.”
“Don’t you say that Mr. Oberoi.... Sukanya has nothing to do with this.”
“Oh really Om because as far as I know she is the one to have such a big scandal on her name and because of her my company is drowning.”
“It’s not because of her that anything is happening her and as far as I know we have had many bigger scandals than this before too and if I am not wrong, didn’t they all start with you. Ummm.... bacuse of your affair with Svetlana.”
“How dare you Om?” Tej growls like a werewolf.
“Why... Why can’t say if you can do.....”
“Chote papa... please....” Sukanya begs Om to stop, it was tearing her apart that their family was fighting because of her. “Bade dadu I am sorry for all of this. I never really meant for any of this to happen. I know it’s my fault...”
“Good, you do. So why don’t you convince your chote papa to drop this time pass and do some real work that can help the company. That can help his father who is trying so hard day and night to give them this luxurious lifestyle. This attitude of his will drown him.”
“Badepapa I will do it. I will complete the entire work you don’t have to worry about it.” Shivaay says trying to get the situation in control.
“And how will you do that Shivaay. Do you even have time.” Tej looks at him with utter disgust.
“Badepapa I will figure out a way to do the entire work and it will be done you can count on me but I request please do not force anyone to do anything.”
“Wonderful Shivaay... Just wonderful. And what about this scandal that your daughter has created. It has been so many years but I guess she has no idea how to live like an Oberoi. This is real world, she should know whatever she will do will effect the family. Instead of making everyone proud she is dimwit ruining our family’s name, our reputation and my so many years of hardwork.”
“Stop it, Tej.” Jhanvi shouts loosing her temper completely. “It’s not her fault in any way she is innocent and if all of us will only question her then what will other think.”
“And how do you know that, Jhanvi. You barely can control your own kids how do hou know someone else.” Tej gives a low blow quite according to his character. “Hmm... tell me Jhanvi.”
Jhanvi chuckles hiding her pain and insult under it but pretty deviously, “You know what Tej at least I know my kids and their children and I have been there for them, unlike you. Anyways, as far as Sukanya is considered she is my own granddaughter so yes, I do know her and she is innocent. For once I thought that after teaching her business you would have at least known her that much but as usual I am wrong about you. There is no way anything except for business can penetrate your thick skull, so it’s a complete waste of time to talk to you.”
“This girl...” Tej is stopped by Shivaay before he could say anything to Sukanya.
“This girl is my daughter and her name is Sukanya and she is innocent so I find no reason for anyone to blame her or say anything to her.” Shivaay’s stern words make Tej scoff and leaves frustratedly while giving a look of pure detest to all of them.
“Don’t worry about him, I will handle him you guys keep looking.” All nod as Jhanvi leaves.
“What’s the fun of all of this? It’s not helping us at all rather it’s just causing more problems. We can’t find anything in these files. It will be better you all do your own work instead, all this is just paper work.”
“Calm down Suk and don’t pay head to whatever Mr. Oberoi said. Alright.”
“But chotepapa...”
“Sukanya...”Om says sternly leaving Sukanya with no other option then to agree with him.
“But there is nothing much in these files Om, especially when we have no idea what we are looking for.” Meher says slaming the file quite frustrated.
“But we got to look somewhere for something.” Abeer says knowing it is turning out to be a disappointment for all of them.
“But what, Abeer. That’s the point.” Meher says.
“At this time our best shot is to look for any loophole, any at all. Anything that you think is kinda out of place or whatever...” Shivaay says reading the file in which interrogation reports were written.
“I guess I will need more then that. Some kinda miracle can only help me or if they come out of dead and say I haven’t killed them.” A few of them chuckle while rest nod in disbelief. “I wish I had a resurrection stone.” She says sulking disappointedly.
“Come on be positive Suk, we will find a way.” Manik says hopefully.
While all looked at each other or back to their files one person’s brain stroke a different cord, his mind as if was waiting for everything to fall in place and was waiting for this cord to strike and as soon as it did things started knitting their own web and started making sense. He looked at the board in the hall that had some very disturbing images from the crime scene. “What did you say?” he asked getting up from his place.
“What bhai?”
“What did you say just now?” He asks again scrutinising the board and picking up few pictures.
“That I will need a miracle...” Sukanya says awkwardly unable to get the reason behind his behaviour.
“After that...”
“What’s going on Atharv?” Anika asks confused herself.
“Exactly bhai...”
“What did you say?” Atharv asks impatiently this time.
Sukanya scoffs annoyed but any ways says what she had said earlier lazily, “If dead come out of their graves and say that I didn’t kill them.”
“They will...” Atharv says slyly.
All look at him shocked.
“Bro... I shouldn’t say it but have you lost it.” Manik asks placing his laptop on the table.
“Lot of work has got worse of him, I guess.” Sukanya says unable to understand meaning of his words.
“Uhhhh... What do you mean Atharv?” Shivaay says breaking the rants.
Atharv turns towards them and smiles, “I have the loophole you have been looking for.”
“Well that’s good because I am going to need it really bad.” Nitya says entering the house in her black blazer. “What is it?” She asks diverting everyone’s attention from herself back to Atharv.
“Remeber Sukanya you told us about Parinaaz trying to commit suicide last year.” Sukanya nods. “And do you remember that the body that was found in RTG.” Sukanya again nods trying to follow him. “We have these pictures here too.” He says pointing at the photographs of the dead body. “Parinaaz used a razor to take her life that’s why she got around 150 some stitches on both her hand but if we look at these pictures of the dead body nowhere on her hand we can see any kind of marks. Which should be there.”
“But couldn’t those marks have just gone. It has been kinda year.” Gauri asks this time.
“No. I have read her report it was a deep tissue injury, there is no way those marks could have gone not in a year at least. Even in the forensics report there is absolutely no mention of any marks on her body and these photographs prove it.”
“So does that mean the dead body is not of Parinaaz....” Sukanya asks as her face fell pale at the realisation.
“Well... I guess that is the most logical explanation.” Atharv says worriedly seeing her expressions.
“And not only that the possibility is that Parinaaz might even be alive.” Anika says as the realisation sinks in.
“Then our biggest question is, whose dead body this can be.”  Bhavya says as her mind works through the equation.
“Uhhh... that’s alright but can this save Sukanya!” Shivaay asks Nitya.
“Yeah it’s a good counter. If the first victim isn’t Parinaaz then prosecution has no motive but it’s just one thing. They can counter it freely. To prove our point we need more then that. Like we can ask for another DNA test of the dead body because the previous one clearly confirms it is Parinaaz.”
“Oh... that won’t be possible. They have already cremated the body.” Atharv says quickly and disappointedly.
“Uhhh.... One second. How do you know that?” Anika’s question makes Atharv bite his tongue.
“Ummm... Actually... mom... ummm....”
“Let it be. I know what you would have done.” Anika says rolling her eyes at his fumbling.
“Okay so maybe we can start by finding who this unknown girl is. Then find out about Parinaaz, where she is, is she even alive or dead.”
“Nitya what about other cases will the also be dropped.” Meher asks sighting those other cases as a problem. “I mean obviously after we have been able to prove Sukanya innocent for Parinaaz’s murder.”
“Well that is possible. Because these cases seemed to be tied up and are serial so only one person could have done it. Chances are if we find Parinaaz she could be the prime suspect.”
“Well that would be good in a way.”
Anika sighs in relief and prays to God thanking him for finally showing them a way.
“Alright then, let’s start with this girl’s body, if not Parinaaz who can she be!” Gauri asks curiously.
“There would be so many girls. How will we know who she is?” Aryaan questions.
“Most probably someone from university, only. It was late at night around 9, that the murder happened. At that time chances for any stranger to be present in university are very low.” Manik says still working on his laptop.
“Thirty nine thousand students are roughly studying in Mumbai university.” He says giving the stats and getting up Bhavya writes it on the white board.
“Great how many of them are girls.”
“Uhhhh.... around 14498.”
“Let’s roughly take 14500. Now give me female staff, teaching and non-teaching both.”
“Ummm.... that would be 139.”
“Great, we have a total of around 14700. We have to find only one from all of them.”
“No.” Sukanya interrupts. “What about residential staff and their families?”
“Uhhhh.... that info will take time... give me like ten minutes.” Manik says quickly punching into his keyboard.
“Urrrr....” All turn to Rudra as he scratches his hair and raise their eyebrows, so he continues. “I was thinking if someone was missing from someone’s family for so long wouldn’t they file a complaint.”
“Wow... intelligent thought from Rudy...” Om says doubtfully but pretty impressed just to tease Rudra who slaps his arm making everyone chuckle.
“I will get that checked.” Bhavya says fishing out her phone and walking away from them.
“There are around 558 residents out of which females are 302 the ones that fit in age groups from 16 to whatever are 62.”
“There is no missing persons report, reporting a girl missing who is connected to the university campus.” Bhavya too announces.
“So any girl that has a family will probably have somebody to report her.” Atharv states the facts out loud.
“Not if their family didn’t care or she didn’t have a family or she stays in hostel and her family is not much in contact with her.” Shivaay states the exceptions.
“So then what... All these are personal things how will we know about them.”
“Alright here is what we are going to do. Abeer, Meher, Anika and I will go to the university and find who all were present in the university accept for the students that day. Sukanya, Atharv and Manik you all find out who is missing from hostels, classes or phone records. Someone’s phone hasn’t been answered for around a month. Om, Gauri, Sahil, Varinda, Pankhuri and Vatsalya you guys together in a group of two start looking around the families of Mehta’s, Singh’s and Sinha’s. Keep a very close eye on all of them. I want to know what they do, every single detail about them. Take Khanna along with you if needed. Bhavya and Rudra find out where Parinaaz is. We need her. Aryan and Nitya make our case waterproof. I can’t afford to take any risks, I need everything to prove Sukanya innocent. Everything means everything.” Shivaay says authoritatively and everyone nods agreeing to his instructions.
“Well I was thinking... what if... what if we bug them.”
“That will be way too much.” Meher says eyeing Manik angrily so he shuts his mouth.
“No that’s in fact a great idea. Why don’t you even tap in their phone records? If Parinaaz is alive I am pretty sure she would have contacted her parents somehow or may contact them." Abeer says encouragingly which shocks Manik but he is quite glad to get that permission. “Do whatever it takes Manik everything is already on stake.”

Once the elders leave all children are left on their own to look through the paper work.
“It’s pretty clever of dad, to have cut on our adventure trip.” Sukanya sasy thoughtfully making the other two laugh.
“Come on, let’s go guys.”
“Where?” Sukanya asks excitedly.
Manik rolls his eyes at her excitement for adventure, “No wehere like that, Suk” Sukanya feigns a sad face.
“Then where????”
“His den...” Atharv replies to which Manik raises his collar in self-appraisal.
“How many questions will you ask Suk? Come on let’s just go.” He drags the duo along with him. Atharva and Sukanya share a look as Manik drags them with high levels of excitement.
They finally stop at the backyard of Malhotra’s mansion where the old room was now shining brightly in the newly painted structure. Manik opens the lock and all of them enter a completely different world filled with computers. There were around four computer screens and a laptop with a lot of food around, a rolling chair just in front of the computers and a few extra chairs around a coffee table, a stereo and a guitar.
“Uhhhmmm...” Sukanya hums impressively. “This is pretty... bi... extravagant.... I guess.”
“This is my base.” Manic says proudly.
“You have taken your profession a little too seriously...” Atharv says looking around.
“You guys can get the hell out of here.” Manik says being protective over his place as bothe of them were just finding ways to irritate him.
Both Sukanya and Atharv chuckle and say a sorry raising their hands in complete defeat.
“Sit.” Manik says crankily. “I will give you guys the list of all the girls, do some work don’t sit here on your ass.”
“Ohhhh someone is being cranky.” Sukanya says teasingly.
“Shut up...”
“Alright guys jokes apart.” Atharv says seriously. “Isn’t this too filmy.” Sukanya and Atharv laugh out loud and hi-fi with each other.
“Jerks... I am going to throw you both out.”
“Fine... fine... I will take it back.” Atharv says trying to control his laughter.
“Hye Mani... can you forward me Parinaaz’s computer details.” Atharv asks Manik who nods his head without saying a word.
“Done... moron.” Atharv chuckles at his tantrums.
“What am I going to do?” Sukanya asks raising her hand.
“Come sit here.’ Manik says sliding his chair, making room for her to sit. “I will tell you what to do.” Manik says sliding a little over her typing something on keyboard.
While he is this close to her, Sukanya again feels the closeness get better of her. While Manik’s entire concentration is on the computer screen his biceps are pretty close to Sukanya’s face making it difficult for her to breath. His closeness was casting her under a magical spell. Her heart started racing faster. This... this very feeling has been changing something in her. Her mind drifts to the evening this all started coming to life. Comically, it was the same evening the things happened that changed her life. Ever since Hredhaan had asked her about being with him for the first time she wondered, whom she really wants to be with. When she was dressed for the ZEPHYR and Manik came there in a black tuxedo; her eyes were glued at him and the moment he saw her face, he was in complete awe. His eyes met with her and something in that moment stopped everything else in the world. The few seconds of eye lock in which they stared each other, there was something different. Something she had never thought she could ever feel. Their hearts were in a weird sync. After that when Hreshaan came to escort her to the event she didn’t feel anything, nothing at all. No emotions, no blurring worlds, no magic; everything was normal. That evening her heart just wanted to be with Manik. Maybe if she had heard her heart that night she might not have landed herself in this trouble too.
“Suk... Sukanya...” Manik waved in fornt of her to bring her back to the world and she nods.
“It’s okay. Are you alright.”
“Yup... totally.” Sukanya says a little awkwardly. “What were you saying?”
He looks at her impishly not believing a word she said, “Are you distracted?”
“What? No...” Sukanya says in a poor attempt to cover up.
He continues with a waggish smile, “Maybe by me.”
Sukanya’s eyes widen with shock, at the moment she felt like being caught red handed. “Ummm...” she fumbles.
“Chill... I am just kidding.” Manik’s these words make her sigh in relief but her expressions didn’t go unnoticed by him making him smirk but Sukanya didn’t see it due to the embarrassment she had gotten herself into earlier.

To be continued....

Keep smiling
Stay blessed
Stay tuned
Let me know how you find the story to be.
For now signing off

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