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P.S.: Guys most of the dialogues I wanted to write in Hindi or Punjabi but to avoid confusion, I didn't. Even though the dialogues are written in English imagine them in Hindi or Punjabi whichever you find more comfortable.

EBF 37

"Hey! You came. I thought you wouldn't."

"Well, that was the plan and I am not sure why I am doing this but for a moment I guess I want to see her the way I have always seen her... as my daunting grandmother." Sukanya smiles encouragingly. "And you shouldn't have to do this alone. We have done a lot of things without each other and I don't want to go back to that time. It was just too... lonely."

"Hey! You have got me." Sukanya squeezes his hand in hers. "And we have got this."

"Yeah, I am glad it's us. Together we can do anything. We are invincible."

"Yeah. We are. We have been through hell and back. And I am saying that literally and not figuratively."

"Right, we have. This is a piece of cake in front of all that." It wasn't and they both knew it but this way it was just easier.

When they walked into the living room Pinky's family was sitting around her and they were introduced to her brother, his wife, and their children and grandchildren. Everyone was smiling and having a conversation and after every few minutes Pinky was looking at Atharv hoping he would say something or talk to her or just react in a way possible. Trying to smile and being kind was making Atharv nervous and anxious. He could feel his heartbeat fasten and Pinky's constant eyes and distressing condition weren't much help. In an attempt to avoid Pinky's eye, contact he kept gazing around the room hoping to be able to breathe normally again when his eyes landed on Kastuki who entered the room with a plate of appetizers. And suddenly he was able to breathe, his heartbeat went back to normal, and smiling didn't seem like hard work.

"I think you can use some water."

"Thank you Kastuki."

"It's just water."

"Can you stay here?"

"I am sorry. I seriously can't. I have to help."

Atharv nods to his displeasure.

"You know what Percy failed to save was his friendship. Guess who betrays him." She says smiling slyly, she just spoiled the ending of the book she gave him to read.

"What? Who is it?"

"You know what I like more than a fantasy book. It is a good mystery. Give me some theories."

"What?" She leaves without saying anything. It felt completely lame but it gave Atharv to think about something. He just nods his head in disbelief it was crazy but it was a distraction he needed.

"Was it Annabeth?" He says when she comes back to sit with everyone for a while.

"What's the logic behind it?"

"Come on she would save the quest at any cost. It means the world to her. But Percy wants his mother back, he would do anything for that. Their paths would cross and she might choose to betray him."

"She is the main lead. In which universe of children's novels is the main lead evil? God use some common sense."

Atharv felt stupid for a while but he didn't mind, it just made him think more carefully. "So, who else? He doesn't have many friends. Grover is like his brother. He is a harmless little goat."

ENTWINED BY FAITH SEASON 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now