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Bringing the dead out of their grave.....

"So you want to bring the dead out of their grave." Sukanya said as she bored her eyes right into eyes of Adhiraj who sighed that she considered it this way but if that's what she thinks then so it be. It's his job and he is tied by his responsibilities though at a personal level he would do anything to protect her but she isn't above his duty. She isn't above the millions of Indians that believe in him. She isn't above the oath that he took as he wore his uniform like an armour. No one is above his duty that he owed to his country. No one is above truth, above justice, above country and above humanity. So be it the wrong way or right she has to tell them what she knows so the justice can be served so that the truth might prevail above all.

While on other hand all Sukanya wished was she could get rid off her sarcasm and take this in a better way but there wasn't a better way to take it. At least not for her. When she had lashed out hin the previous evening she had least expected him to come to her doorsteps again and that in such a short interval of time with a warrant in hands. All he had to say to her accusing eyes was that he's doing it in everyone's best interest but her totally crippled heart didn't believe his nonchalant eyes and firm demeanor. She had been to paranoid recently and she had all the good reasons to be. Saying that time isn't fair to her or others wasn't going to help. It was just going to worst and she knew it. Behind the despicable cloud of darkness loomed that silver lining that she was so desperate for. After Adhiraj had left yesterday she locked herself up until he reappeared again. She drove her family worried sick with her attitude but she knew no other way for herself.

"I guess so." He answers firmly making a point that he isn't changing his plans.

"Suk, we just want to get to the bottom of the truth. Please help us." Bhavya being her chachi and a police officer sugar coated the truth. The words that sounded harsh to ears hurt the heart but leveling them down might soothe the pain. For others not her.

See that's the thing with truth it is most easily manipulated and fabricated. The words. The key is in 'words'. Grasping someone's mind and then playing with it the right way. Manipulation..... The master of manipulation..... A mentalist..... But everyone isn't that good to be called a mentalist. But it's all in brain. You see, you believe. But the finest tricks are one that are played in front of your eyes and you still can't see them. The mind game. The power of manipulation can drive anyone, even the sanest person to the depths of insanity. It's like a lava once out of the volcano it will engulf everything that comes in it's range just in a matter of time. You can run but once it touches you it will engulf you no matter if you come out of it alive or not. It's harmful; yes it. It is hurtful; yes even that. It's hard; yes it is. Worth it; maybe, maybe not.

"Fine. I will but there are things nobody knows. Secrets, nobody can tell you about. Secrets, I have hidden from my family, my parents. I want them to hear everything, I say. Every word. Every." She emphasized looking at her parents.

"That would be okay. We will have this conversation in the library then." Adhiraj finalized.

"It will take some days I can't tell you everything at once."

"Suits me." Saying that he walks towards the library while Sukanya turned to look at the cryptic, confused, worried and doubtful faces of her family members. She gulps.

"Start." Adhiraj says as he switches on the recorder while her family could listen to her sitting in the balcony above the library.

"Umm....." Sukanya clears her voice as she drowns into the memory lanes of the past year. The day everything started.

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