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"Stop working, bhai." Sukanya pulls Atharv away from the last-minute wedding preparations, "It's my last night as a bachelor and I am not going to let you spend it working all by yourself."

"It's my doll's wedding I have to make sure everything is alright."

"Everything is perfect, bhai. Stop stressing out. You have already checked everything three times. Come spend some time with us." She drags him to the terrace where all the siblings and Manik are sitting around a bonfire.

"It has been one month since you came back from Sudan and this is the first time, we all are sitting together," Advik complains.

"That's right, bhai. Stop working all the time."

"Accha baba. I am here now." Atharv says sitting between Sukanya and Aditi.

"Atharv are you this distracted because of Kastuki," Manik asks but Atharv just smiles plainly.

"It's nothing like that. What are you guys talking about?" Atharv asks to change the topic.

But Manik was right he was distracted because of Kastuki. Although she had disregarded all his feelings for her when he was in the hospital three months back and things after that had taken quite an awkward turn between the two of them. Whenever they were together and somehow had managed to forget that night, it somehow ended up making the two of them awkward. It wasn't till the night before Atharv had to leave for India that he spotted Kastuki sitting on the terrace of the main building and he mustered up all his courage to have a conversation with her.

"Can I sit?" He asked pointing at a place beside her and she nodded. "I am leaving tomorrow."

"I know."

"Your biggest problem is leaving tomorrow, I thought you would be happier."

Kastuki laughs out, "You are not my biggest problem, Atharv."

"That's good to know." He looks at her as she is staring at the stars. "Why are you always here?" Kastuki looks at him confused. "I have seen you come here plenty of times. Do you like the stars?"

Kastuki nods, "It reminds me of home."

Atharv could agree, the stars did seem like a good old reminder. He had been at her place before and the night sky wasn't like the one in Mumbai where there were no stars to gaze at.

"I thought you wanted to run away from home."

Kastuki turns to look at him, "My home isn't a place, Atharv. It's the people I love. These stars remind me of my parents and I never wanted to run away from them."

"It must be hard to stay away from them for such a long time."

"It is. But I have a family here as well. Sometimes when I miss them too much, this family (pointing at the base) reminds me to be happy."

"Hey... can I say something awkward."

Kastuki chuckles and turns to face him, "Sure. Go ahead."

"Is there remotely a chance that I can be a teeny-tiny part of this huge family of yours."

She looks at him and then taking a deep breath replies, "Why do you care so much about me?"

ENTWINED BY FAITH SEASON 1 & 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz