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Sukanya sat with Abeer on the porch, looking at particularly anything to nothing and talking randomly about stuff. A little break that Sukanya can say she craved deeply and needed the most. It was peacefully out there sitting and doing nothing as if all the problems took a back seat all of a sudden and do not need her attention, not for now at least. She can sulk without the worry of tomorrow and that's the only think she wants to do right now.

"Buddy, you know that day I was actually going to meet Raghbir." Abeer nodded knowing she was talking about the day Raghbir died.

"Why didn't you?" Abeer asks gently.

"Dad called..." She says wearily, "I was so into myself that when he called I just said everything. I was so, so scared. At that time I didn't even think that I was angry with him. I was just so thankful that he called me. He wasn't home earlier when I went to the house in morning probably dealing with all the fiasco of mine. I told him about the messages and he asked me to calm down, he told me to get in my car and leave, right then. Now when I look back and think of what happened, do you think if I would have stayed... umm... I would have been able to save him or maybe, I was the one to die, that day."

"Hye... don't say that. You aren't supposed to die."

"They too weren't." She looks at him fear making its way back to her face.

"Look Suk, I agree they weren't supposed to die or I don't know what would have happened that day if you had not left, maybe you would have been able to save him or maybe he was dead even before you reached their and it was all a trap or maybe the one who killed them choose you as his next victim but honestly, I am so glad you didn't go there. If something would have happened to you I don't know what any of us would have done, what I do know is that you are safe and here and that's the only thing that matters to us. I don't know I am selfish or what bunny but I am and I am happy I am. I have known the pain of losing my daughter and god forbade I had to go throw it again, I would have killed the one who did it."

"I am sorry..." Sukanya says holding his hand as she reminded him of his daughter's death.

"Don't be... come here." Abeer takes Sukanya in as side hug.

"So before that you went to meet Hredhann, right. What he said?"

"He apologised for blaming me and requested me to understand his situation. He wanted to make sure that we are okay."

"Are you..." Sukanya looks at him questioningly. "Are you guys okay?"

"I forgave him. But I don't think my heart belongs with him or it ever did. He was more of an infatuation I guess. I just told him that he needs to give me some time, it's hard for me right now and situations are mostly likely not in my favour. He agreed as I said I don't mind being friends though. You know it's easy to forgive if someone feels sorry for what they did.

"Yup, it is." Abeer rubbed her shoulder and arm to comfort her.

"Sooooo....." Abeer emphasises teasingly, "Where does your heart really belong, bunny?"

Abeer looked at Sukanya whose eyes turned soft as an image played in front of her eyes, there was a smooth silence shared by the two as Sukanya lost herself in someone's eyes. Those hazel eyes that held meaning, care, love and what not in them infinitely. Abeer nudged her to get her attention to his question while he could see a little colour rise up her cheeks.

"Uhhh... I don't know."

"Why do I have a feeling that you do know?" Abeer prods her further and she looks at him sceptically wide eyed.

ENTWINED BY FAITH SEASON 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now